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I yawn, and sigh, trying to stay awake. I don't know how long I've been here, but the suns coming up, so it must have been at least two hours. It's freezing. The only thing that's saving me is that the water is actually pretty warm. I've been wondering what to do, and I've figured I only have two options. Make a run for it, and hide at Bianca's house for the rest of my life, or wait for someone to find me and hopefully take pity on me. I'm just so happy my mom doesn't come home until tomorrow. I don't want to have to explain this to her. That would be humiliating. I groan, and dip into the water, trying to stay warm. I stay underwater, for as long as I can, before reluctantly surfacing. Suddenly, I hear footsteps, way too close. I don't have time to do anything, I quickly back up to the other side of the waterhole, before I see several big figures appear from the path leading to the River Boys house. Shit.


They haven't seen me yet. I sink to just above my head, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they won't see me. I'm behind some tall grass, so this might just work.

"Dude." A tall black haired guy says. "If that Trent guy has another one of his so called parties that ends up over our fence, I'll kill him."

"Yeah." Another tall blonde says. "I swear they used this water last night. I was going to check it out, but I was... occupied." 

"Fu**ing Jenny Carver isn't anything special." Another one says, as he rips off his shirt. "Face it. We've all been there." He's right. Jenny Carver is pretty much the town slut. Wait. Stop that. Focus. He's sliding in! 

"Are you guys getting in or not?" He grumbles, as he ducks underwater. Please don't see my legs, please don't see my legs. He bursts up, screaming in anger. "What the hell?" He yells. 

"What's wrong?" Another asks, as he also slides in. 

"Someone must have been here." He grumbles. "There's a used condom on the bottom." Gross. They all chuckle, and get in. I try to stay small, and not move at all. They continue their conversations, and I take the time to look them over. All together, I think there's about nine. That's weird. There must be one missing. People say there is ten. Just as I think this, another guy emerges from the path. I hold in a gasp, as I recognise him. He goes to our school. Alex Ramsay. The token bad boy at our school. He's one of the River boys who still attend school, and hangs out behind the gym. Everybody avoids them, because they really scare the crap out of people. 

"What's up man?" The blonde says. 

"Next time you decide to screw Jenny Carver in our house." He spits, ripping off his shirt. "Get rid of her before you leave. That was one awkward bathroom conversation I don't want to repeat." They all laugh, as he dives in. He starts swimming laps, and I relax, as they start their conversations again. They mainly stayed together, talking. Suddenly I feel something brush by my leg, and before I can stop myself, I scream, at the top of my lungs. Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Oh my god. Slowly, Alex emerges from the water, right in front of my face, looking really, really angry. Oh no. Oh my god. This is how it's going to end.

"Hi." I say weakly. He stares at me, obviously pissed. I stay underwater, so that he can't see I'm only in my underwear. The other guys come up behind him, getting a good look at me, crowding around so I can't run away. Like I could anyway.

"Who are you?" The black haired guy says dangerously, his eyes glistening, standing next to Alex's right side.

"U-I-Umm..." I stutter.

"He asked you a question." Another guy says. "Answer him."

"I know you." A younger boy says, probably about fifteen. I recognise him from school as well. "You go to my school. You're that prick's new sex toy." I don't answer him, afraid of what noise I might make.

"What are you doing here?" Alex finally speaks. I look at him, and try to speak.

"I-Umm, I..." Oh, good work Harper. Real nice.

"Can you calm down?" He growls. "We're not going to eat you. What's your name?"

"H-"Har.." I try.

""Well it begins with a H." A guy chuckles.

"Harper." I finally spit out.

"Ok Harper." Alex sighs. "Now we're getting somewhere. Harper. What are you doing here?"

"I... Um..." I stutter. Nope. Can't speak. To hard. The black haired guy sighs.

"This is ridiculous." He says, grabbing my arm. "Get out." I scream, and try to cover myself, but it's too late. They've all seen my tiny, tiny bra, and the top of my small panties. He quickly drops me, and I hide in the water again, in the corner. They all look at me dumbfounded. Then suddenly the blonde haired guy starts to laugh. Alex hits him on the arm, and growls.

"Shut up Jake." He says. He looks at me, and frowns. "Now you better tell us why you're in our waterhole, with no clothes at all." I look at him, not sure where to start. "Now." He says, frustrated. "Or I will drag you out of this pool, and chuck you out in the open." 

"Ok." I say quickly. "Ok." Here goes nothing. "So, um, I'm dating Evan Livingston. And, um, he took me to this party last night."

"See." The black haired guy says. "I told you they were here last night."

"Cole, she's actually speaking." Jake groans. "Shut up." He turns to me. "Go on."

"Well." I continue. "He wanted me to go swimming here with you. I told him that it was yours, but he didn't really care."

"I hate that prick." The younger one says.

"Um." I go on. "So. Somehow, I ended up in the pool, without any clothes, and the whole football team saw, and they drove away. Without me. He... He kind of screwed me over." They all look at me, obviously trying not to laugh.

"You're an idiot." Alex growls. "Now get out of my pool." 

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