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I don't turn around. Of course I knew it was a risk coming. I knew there was a chance that he would be here. But if I really had to choose between Will's health and a few spiteful comments it's a no brainer. He opens the door, and leans against it, blocking me in. Trapped.

"I really can't believe you came with him Harper." He smirks. I keep quiet. Alex will be back soon. I look towards the drivers seat. He's left his phone here. "Did you come to support Alex?" He taunts. "Or to see me? I mean, I guess I'm a little surprised, but they always come begging for-"

"I came for Will!" I spit, spinning around to face him. "Because apparently it's your whole family that acts like assholes!" Evan raises his eyebrows, slightly amused, and taken aback.

"The little whore speaks." He smirks, taking a step back. "Right. Get out." He grabs my arm, and pulls me out of the car, slamming it shut.

"Alex is going to-"

"Alex won't be out for awhile." He says, keeping a firm grip on my arm. "Because, as you so bluntly put, yeah. My father's an asshole. He likes to piss around."

"What do you want? I growl.

"I want you to shut your trap and listen." He says simply, and pushes me on the hood of the car. "So it seems you know all about us, huh? About my father? Well, it seemed only fair I did a bit of digging about you. And apparently, you're still staying with those River boys." He snorts. "I guess that's partly my fault. Anyway, I wondered, why would you be staying there? You never knew them, you never talked. So I dug a little deeper."

"Don't." I warn him.

"You know what I found?" He continues, ignoring me. "Your father is back in town."

"You know nothing." I growl.

"I think I know everything sweetheart." He says. "Your father is beating you and your mother, along with, what's that other guys name?" He asks confused.

"How do you know all this?" I spit.

"Quentin!" He clicks his fingers, remembering. "And it's actually quite easy to find out really. Come on Harper, keep up. My father is an important man."

"Why do you care?" I frown.

"Back to my story." He smiles. "So I wondered. Why would the River Boys care? They're not exactly known for their compassion. So it has to be one thing. Alex and Harper sitting in a f*cking tree." He growls.

"Why do you care?" I repeat, louder.

"Do you like the River boys Harper?" He asks. "Do you like their family, enjoy their company?"


"What about Will?" He continues. "Will's a cutie."

"You should leave the five year old out of this." I warn him.

"Honey, Will won't be touched." He smiles, picking up a strand of my hair. "You can make sure of that." I look at him confused, not liking where he's going.

"What?" I ask simply.

"The River boys like to push boundaries." He says. "You want to know why we mess them around? They think they're better than us. But what they just don't seem to understand, is that we hold the power."

"Will's medicine." I say softly. "You sick bastard."

"And now you're falling right into their footsteps." He shouts, exasperated. "What do you people not understand? We can stop selling you his drug whenever we want."

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask, wanting this topic to be over.

"Well, I've realized I can have my cake and eat it to." He smiles. "I'm going to mess with Alex, and you at the same time."

"What do you mean?" I shout, exasperated.

"I don't feel I got enough out of you before your hero Alex came along." He explains. "And now I'm cashing in. You're going home."

"What?" I growl.

"You're going to move home. You're not allowed to talk to Alex, or any of the other River boys anymore, and if you do, guess what? Goodbye drugs."

"You're blackmailing me?" I growl.

"Call it what you will." He says calmly, leaning in. "But if you're not home by tomorrow night, it all stops. If you talk to them, it stops. If you tell them what's going on, it all stops. I own you sweetheart. Get used to it."


I sit in the car, chills running down my spine, watching Alex run through the rain. He opens the car, and shakes himself off.

"Can't believe that took over an hour." He says, chucking a paper bag into the back seat. "The butler made me wait in the foyer." He snorts. "Harper, they have a butler."

"Sounds like it." I force a smile. "Did you get it all?"

"Yep." He says, driving out the gate. "He upped the price. If it gets any higher, we might have trouble."

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"To be honest, there's nothing we can do." He shrugs. "He's the only one who sells the real stuff, and we need it. We just play nice, do what we have to do. For Will." I nod, letting out a breath. That confirms it. We do what we have to do. I have to do it. 

Eventually, we pull into their driveway, and by now it's completely dark.

"It's late." Alex says, unlocking the front door. "Jake should be done with my assignment by now." I snort.

"Or finished making out with Bianca." I say. We walk in, to find Bianca asleep on the couch.

"Well that's unexpected." I say. Jake walks in, carrying a blanket.

"Hey." He says quietly, placing the blanket over Bianca. "You guys are home late."

"The usual shit." Alex tell him. He nods.

"Both our assignments are finished." He says. "I'm going to go get my keys, I'll drive her home." He leaves, and Alex starts to walk away to.

"I'm going to see Will, and give this to Cole." He says, holding up the paper bag.

"Ok." I nod, sitting next to Bianca. I wait until he leaves, and then look at Bianca. "Bianca." I say, gently shaking her awake. Her eyes flutter open, looking at me confused.

"Hey." She groans. "I fell asleep? Damn."

"It's fine." I say softly. "Listen, I need to talk to you."

"What's up?" She asks, sitting up, yawning.

"I need your help."

The Bad Boys Saw Me NakedWhere stories live. Discover now