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Hi all :) Here's an update for you guys. Thanks xxx


I can see Alex and Cole talking to my Mom, and I can feel my blood boil, angry. What could they be talking about? Alex starts to walk towards me, and he gets in the car.

"Harper-" He tries, but I cut him off.

"Please don't." I say, gritting my teeth. "Just don't."

"Ok." He says softly. 

"What is Cole talking to her about?" I ask.

"Just about you." He says. "She wants to make sure you're ok." I nod, slowly. 

"Sure." I frown. "I'm great, can't you tell?" Headlights shine behind me, and I freeze, as I see my Dad's truck pull up. Shit.

"Alex we have to go." I say firmly. "You think my Dad's nasty, you don't want to have a conversation with Quentin." 

"Cole!" Alex yells out the window. Cole looks behind him, and his eyes widen. My Mom pushes him away, telling him to go, but it's too late. My father and Quentin meet them at the door. Dad snarls at Cole, and looks towards us, making eye contact with me. 

"Harper get your ass in here now!" He yells. Cole runs towards the car and jumps in, as Alex pulls away. I can see Dad and Quentin running, but it's to late. We drive away, and I just hope he isn't drunk enough to follow us.

"Are you ok?" Cole asks. 

"Let's just get home." I say softly, still shaking.

The drive home is silent. I guess no one has anything to say. Cole pulls into their driveway, and I get out.

"I'm going for a walk." I say, walking down the driveway.

"Harper." Cole says. "I don't think you-"

"I won't go off the property." I say, my voice cracking. "Promise." I don't look back, and walk down the path towards the water hole. I lay down, and sigh.

Everything has changed.

I almost wish I could go back. Before the River Boys. Before Evan. Back then, at least I knew what to expect, no matter how much it sucked. Now everything is so confusing. 

Home isn't the same anymore. I think Dad is going to stay longer than he usually does. And I feel bad for my Mom. I got so angry at her because she had promised that this time would be the last time. I never really realised how hard it would be. She was really protecting me. She saw a way to get me away from him, and took it. I don't know what's going to happen now. When to go back.

I can't go back to pretending I don't exist at school anymore. That'll never happen. Because I was an idiot. I was fooled by a selfish stuck up prick, which was my own fault. And now I'm paying for it.

And then there's the River boys. Alex is just so confusing. I don't know what to do. I can't deny, that yes. I have feeling towards him. And he obviously has similar feelings. But it's just so messed up. I mean, look at how we met. This whole thing is crazy. What do I do? He just left it like that. I like you Harper. And that was it. Like he was making it so simple .But what now?

I just don't know.


I step into the house, and it's late, so I quietly let myself in. 

"Hey Harp." I jump, and turn, to see Cole and Zane, sitting at the kitchen table. "You ok?"

"Yep." I force a smile. "Thanks for taking me Cole."

"It's fine." He says quietly. "And, you can stay as long as you need to."

"It won't be long." I decide. "Eventually, I'm going to go back whether he's there or not."

"Um." He pauses. "We'll save that argument for another time." I sigh, smiling slightly.

"Ok." I say. "Zane, how's Will?"

"He's fine." He says. "Scarlett thinks he'll be ok, seeing we got some more supplies from Trent."

"Evan's Dad?" I question.

"Yeah." He says. "Alex filled you in?" I nod.

"Zane, if I knew, I never would have dated him." I promise.

"Don't worry about it." He assures me. "You didn't even know us."

"At least you know how he really is now." Cole says. 

"Yep." I reply dryly. "At least I learnt something."

"Goodnight Harper." He smiles.

"Night." I smile, and make my way upstairs.


"Why are you late?" He growls.

"Bianca had a birthday party." My lips tremble. "I lost track of time."

"You said you would be home at seven. It's eight thirty!" He shouts, gripping my arm.

"Where's Mum?" I sob, wanting to hide.

"She's at work." He yells. "I'm in charge, and I told you to be home."

"Dad you're hurting me." I cry. His eyes widen, and he throws me onto the couch.

"Well it's your own damn fault!" He screams, towering over me. "You're eleven years old. It's time to grow up." 

"I'm sorry." I whimper.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson." He growls, taking off his belt.

"Please no." 


"You will learn to listen to me." He growls.

"Harper wake up."

"Stand up!" He yells."

"Harper!" I open my eyes, whimpering.

"Alex?" I sit up, confused.

"I heard you screaming." He said. "I didn't want you to wake anyone up."

"Sorry." I gulp. "I didn't mean to." 

"It's ok." He says softly. I stare down, embarrassed. "Does it happen often?" He asks.

"Yeah." I answer quietly.

"What was it about?" 

"Don't worry about it." I say quickly. "I'm fine, you can go." I roll over, and face the other way. I feel the weight lift off my bed, and he turns off my lamp. I can't help it, I let out a sob. Darkness always made it worse. I cover it with a cough, but I feel the bed shift, and he slides under the covers.

"What are you doing?" I protest, moving away from him as fare as I could. 

"Just shush." He says, getting comfortable. "You're not going to be able to sleep again tonight, and I can't sleep knowing that. So just close your eyes." He places his head on the pillow, and I stare at him, dumbfounded. Eventually, after realising he isn't going to leave, I lie down next to him, leaving a decent amount of space. 

"Goodnight Alex." I say softly. 

"Night Harp."

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