Chapter 3

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10 October 2024
Chapter 3
"Mama, talk to me..." I pleaded and pleaded, she hasn't said anything since yesterday. Seeing her reaction to hearing that man's name on the tv tells me that he must have something to do with my dad, maybe they have some sort of history, I just don't know what it could be. His name was somewhat familiar as I remember he use to be a close family friend of ours but after the death of my dad it was as though they disappeared, I never really thought much of it as I was focusing on grieving the loss of my dad. They probably were doing the same. I was 5 years old when my papa died. From what I remember he was the best dad a person could have. Even with his busy life as a detective, he was as present as any parent should be in their kids life. I miss him everyday and from what I was told by everyone, including my mom, he died In an unfortunate car accident. Nobody understood what happened that day but due to the investigations that took place the case was said to be just a regular car accident. " Amara, we have to move." " But why?" She took a deep breath " Just trust me." " Mama, just explain please..." "Amara, this is for the best." "No its not, you keep hiding instead of just facing the truth. Just tell me already, I'm grown enough to know everything" Her expression changed. "Since you wanna be difficult I'll show you difficult." She went upstairs, into my room. I have never seen her that angry and determined. I followed after her "Mama, what's that suppose to mean" As she started throwing my clothes into a suitcase she said,"Its gonna be hard for you to stay here with me especially since you enjoy being difficult, so I have decided that you will be moving far so that you can finish school. That way you are far away from all of this, to give you a better opportunity something I failed to do." Her voice trailed away as I could feel the tears forming in my eyes "Mama you don't have to do this, I need you" " I need to, It's whats best for us both sweetheart"

2 weeks later...
Me and my mom hadn't spoken since. She had packed my bags and I was on the next flight to an unknown destination. In a new place, far away from a place I called home, far away from my mama with a new identity, Chantelle Thompson. Maybe after this I could stop running. But a question that still lingered on my mind, who is Chen Yang... Every answer that I could find on the internet, painted him to be a good guy who cared for the people. I kept thinking of numerous things that could possess that man to scare my mom, but nothing was adding up. Maybe they had history or the family has bad blood. Who knows what the reason is, for all I know its complicated, but this was my chance to live a normal life and fufil my dream, to be like him, and that was my misson.

My dad had always been a vengeful man, but after the death of my mom he never recovered. I was 7 when she went missing. There were searches that went on to try and find her and when they did, she was found dead... William Brown was the main detective on this case and he failed her. I hated him for that but it was nothing compared to the way my dad felt about him. He made it his mission to ruin this mans life. He has a plan, a plan that if executed correctly will bring him peace and honour to my mother. Now its time
这是给你的妈妈 (this is for you mom)

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