Chapter 10

18 2 5

9 February 2025

(Kai's Pov)

I continued smoking my cigar, "Nǐ jīntiān zài nǎlǐ?" (Where were you today) she got closer till I could feel her presence from behind me "Wǒ yǒushì yào chǔlǐ." (I had business to attend to) "Kai?" She called out my name "Mhm" I replied while taking another smoke from my cigar "Nǐ yīdìng yào jì zhù nǐ fùqīn zhìdìng de jìhuà." (You must remember the plan set by your father) she said this whilst touching my shoulder. I brushed her hand off "Ling leave her alone." My deep voice caused her to jump as I turned around "I mean it." She looked worried, "Nǐ bùnéng bǔzhuō gǎnqíng, nǐ huì pòhuài jìhuà." (You can't be catching feelings, you will ruin the plan) she said very cautiously as though I might snap her neck. "Ling I mean it, Lí tā yuǎn diǎn." (Stay away from her)

I finished smoking my cigar and stormed off, she was just left standing there-probably shocked about the way I am reacting- who knows if she'll tell my old man but I was pissed. I specifically warned that man that it was a false alarm, that it wasn't her but obviously he wants to pretend to be Mr Righteous all of a sudden. Seems he has forgotten all that he has done. All the blood that was shed because of him. All the lives that were lost because of him. All the tears that were shed because of him.

All that he has done, and he won't let me do this for myself...

I needed to blow off steam so I took my keys and left.

There's a lot of ways I love to release tension. It could be with whiskey or fucking a few bitches here and there but I wasn't in the mood for all of that so I decided the best thing would be for me to go to the gym.

Whenever I feel pain and anger, I find myself here. Legally I can't just go around hurting people so I take it all out on this punching bag. I do this til I feel numb and unable to move a muscle because internally I can't feel anything. I want my physical state to match my mental state.

I dropped my fitness bag and got to work on the punching bag. With every punch I took a drop of sweat came rolling down. I thought about everything: the anniversary of my mother's death, my father's marriage, my plan and 𝒉𝒆𝒓...

My mind can't stop running with thoughts of her. Her sweet and innocent scent which made me look at the bright side of life, her golden eyes which was intoxicating in every way, it reminded me of my favourite whiskey but this was one was one i would never get tired of drinking. This one, i want to get drunk from and never want to get sober from. Almost like a healing medicine to my broken heart. Her soft but loudly spoken voice which brought comfort to my restless mind. I hated how she was making me feel. I was confused, I don't know what to do with these emotions and there was nobody I could talk to. This made me more angrier, I replied to this anger by punching the bag more furiously til i could feel my hands in pain and blood coming in the form of small droplets. As I continued going I could feel a pair of eyes on me.

So I paused, and turned to see who it is and there she was...

(Amara Pov)
My mind had already been all over the place because of me and Ty. I don't know what's going on and how I feel about it but I needed to really distract myself from all that was going on.
My dad had always taught me to stay fit so that you are ready for any task at hand. It's safe to say that I haven't been going to the gym, but for some reason, today was the day I decided to come, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒘 𝒊'𝒎 𝒔𝒐 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝒊 𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒆

When I had arrived, I didn't see anyone; I just heard something moving downstairs so I went to see what was going on. And to my surprise and arousement there he was, Kai, in good form as expected. He didn't attend any classes today so I guess this makes up for that. It was fascinating to see him throw those punches at the bag. I'd hate to be with him 1-on-1 in a boxing match. But his stance was impeccable, he knew what he was doing, this definitely wasn't his first rodeo.

10 November...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora