Um he is that famous!!!

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Next morning

Bojan's pov

The boys called me for breakfast. To be honest, I didn't sleep at all during the night. I was just thinking about all this. Can you imagine what would happen if she ran away again?It was necessary for me to clear my head a little bit.

It was time for me to go down to the cafeteria.I could feel every single person looking at me as they walked by.Honestly, I don't really care what people think about me anymore.

Bella's pov

As soon as I woke up, I looked at my phone.No, shit it was already 11 o'clock.Great, I missed breakfast. I decided to go to a shop near by. I did my make up and put on some jeans and a white shirt bought me a sandwich and something to drink and sat down on a bench in the park. I listened to some music on my airpods. I was not feeling real good so i decided to go to my hotel room.

2 h later

It was already lunch time so I picked up my purse and stepped out of my hotel room. I saw »BOJAN« He just came out of his room right next to mine.He was as shocked as me.

» Bella Hi« he said and a big smile came on his and my face. His smile was reallycontageous.

»So you are stalking me?« he said.

»no no no« i said panicking

» i know i am just joking« said bojan and started to laugh.

» so where are you going« he said.

» I am just going to get some lunch. You?«

»i am going to get some lunch with other members wanna come with us?«

»sure I was gonna do it alone anyways« i said smiling i was so happy that i meet him agen i relly thought i will never.

Bojan's pov

What she was here . luck was on my side i guess . she was just one room away from me. We were just walking to the other boys. She was so beautiful. I was kinda nervous other boys will not shut up.

But she was with me so I will deal with them later.

we came to the guys

                                                                                       Bellas pov

"ooo Bellaaa" said jan with a grint on his face.

"Nice to meet you all" i said 

Everyone introduced themselves.

 We went to  restaurant and sit down. I sat next to Kris and Bojan. 

"You know that Bojan hasn't stopped talking about you," Jan said and received a sudden and deadly look from Bojan. I blushed and turned away so nobody can see , Bojan blushed a bit to do boys start to laugh.

the food came

"so are you coming to our concert tonight" kris asked

"No, i'm sorry i am busy till 10 but Bojan told me you have concert tomorrow to so i will come tomorrow" i looked at them and smile. 

"o you can come to after party if you want there will be just a couple of people" said bojan and the guys agreed 

"that will be greater "i said while i looked at my phone "o shit" i said probably too loud

Through All This Together -Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now