chapter 11 "Birds of a feather flock together"

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Samuel's POV

After fleeing our home village at the age of 13 I had lived with my sister and old man Mr McClang for a few years.

It was hard at first honestly, Ashley was all I had left, being such a little kid I clung to her afraid I'd lose her like everyone else, she was my world after that, so we started getting really close.

It was rough those years.

Ash took up working as a grunt and quickly climbed the ranks. A lot of her earnings went to supporting me. She did her best to give me a normal life and make up for things I'd miss out on back then.

It motivated me to work hard, I wanted, no needed, to make up for everything she did for me.

I didn't have her talent for spy work and stealth, or our parents tech skills and work in chemistry and toxicology,  at least that's what I've learned they worked in, I've made a few new friends growing up.

I still didn't know much about our parents work, it was classified even to us, their blood related family.

It bothered me honestly but Ashley didn't worry so I tried not to let it bother me much either.

What I did find myself talented in was mechanics, I found myself helping Robin with some of his work on the different vehicles we had.

I managed to memorise and learn how to take them apart and put them back together again quite quickly, sure I made some mistakes, the various scars on my arms and legs were evident of that.

I was a little clumsy.

After mastering the basics I started working on more important projects, I was offered a position in the north of what used to be Canada, the islands there made it prime territory for humans.

Meaning lots of travel in and out of the area, it was a perfect opportunity for me, they wanted my help on some projects there.

At first I was hesitant to go, I would be across the globe to my sister and everyone I knew, I honestly would have refused if it wasn't for Ashley encouraging me. She wanted me to excel in what I loved, she also thought it would be safer for me to be there, there was little rebel activity in that section.

So, at the age of 19 going on 20 I moved  out there, and that's where I've been ever since.


It was late into the night while I worked in my workshop, it was getting colder, snowing already, summer was long gone and autumn was coming to an end soon.

Thankfully for me the garage I worked in was well insulated, I had a space heater beside me as I worked on a busted car engine.

Some morone had driven it into a lake and it was absolutely wrecked and filthy.

I could have sworn some humans were just animals still, no sense of cleanliness or common sense to keep things clean, or just turning on the handbrake.

I sighed pulling my mud caked hands back, that and a variety of other muck and oils all over my hands and forearms, I was used to being dirty like this while working. That was one thing that was different between me and my big sister, she couldn't stand mud or muck, she liked things clean.

I stood up straight stretching my back and stretching my shoulder, rolling it a few times, I wasn't a skinny little kid anymore.

I had grown to be 6'1 and muscular, it was a surprise to everyone honestly, I shot up overnight.

I was wearing an old grey tank top that was now stained and dirtied from years of mechanical work, the soft cotton fabric was worn out in some areas leaving homes.

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