chapter 17 "Secrets revealed"

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Ashley's POV

The screen lit up on both monitors, a different rectangle section for each supreme Alpha, all of them looking rather serious and intrigued about what was going on. 

I recognised them, I had been in many of their territories but not all of their main pack houses.

They wouldn't know who I am just yet, But I was sure Damien would tell them pretty soon, it was inevitable. They'd most likely be demanding answers and I was not about to say a word to them, I just kept my head low, I was hoping to avoid facing them directly. 

"Alpha Damien, you called this meeting to discuss the ghost situation?" 

An older feminine voice spoke, my guess would be late forties early fifties, thick with an accent I wasn't exactly familiar with, but I recognised her as the supreme Alpha of the African continent. Nia Asia, a strong and smart woman, but, as much as I hate to admit it, she was an incredible leader, her people were strong and rich in culture and history.

She was one of the older supreme Alpha's, I couldn't find any dirt on her, not like some other Alpha's. Her family was well respected and admired, with two sons and a daughter.

"And who is this woman sat next to you, you know these Meetings are classified" Alpha Michael cut in quite sharply. 

He seemed rather annoyed still, I kept a smirk contained, I knew he was probably still seething about my little mess I caused him.

"I can assure you she's important to this meeting" Damien stated in a slightly more stern voice than I was expecting, was he really getting defensive of me?

It felt weird, this man was my enemy, I killed his men...why did he care?

"Well would you mind enlightening us? I for one am dying to know" Alpha Nickolas spoke as he leaned on his arms, a smirk on his face. He was a mischievous one, in his prime and quite the well known man, he had a bit of a reputation for showing off.

He claimed to only enjoy fair challenges, I calmed bullshit, he was a wolf, no wolf plays fair especially if they are losing. 

I was snapped out of my own thinking when I felt Damien tug my chin to get me to look at the screen, he smirked seeing how flustered I got. He's lucky he's a wolf because if he didn't have those insane reflexes I would have broken his nose. 

My fist had flown faster than I could think, he had a tight grip around my wrist now, barely cm's from his nose. 

If looks could kill I would have ripped his heart out with how sharp my stare was, but Damien remained relaxed, he seemed to be amused with my reaction.

The room was silent, I could tell each of the other alphas were too shocked to speak, they must've never expected me to react the way I did. I glanced at the screen then pulled my arm away, my glare never softening "don't fucking touch me mutt" I grumbled out. 

"Allow me to introduce you to the one responsible for our ghost problem, Ashley harper, AKA the Rebel's Ghost" he explained, quite proudly actually, he looked so smug.

"Ghost? The Ghost? How are you so certain about it?" One of them asked.

"Are you trying to tell us the Ghost that's killed multiple wolves and infiltrated some of our most secure places, is some....weak human?" Michael asked with disgust in his voice. 

"I can assure you, she is not weak and this is very much Ghost, I made sure of it" he stated firmly, I noticed him grow tense. 

"Why is she not in prison yet? Where are the restraints? Why is she sitting in your office so freely, you do realise she's one of our most wanted criminals" Nicholas spoke as he stared into the camera. 

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