Chapter 54 - Prepping To Become A Villainess

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The next couple of days passed in a blur for Valentina. The auditions were a week away, so she spent the time watching dramas of that time period to get an idea of clothing and speaking style, reading through the script, and practicing her acting. Although her acting bar stayed firmly at 40/100, she felt better with memorizing the script frontwards and backward as this would be her first-ever audition.

During this preparatory time, she surprisingly became closer to Rio. He had continually checked on her every once in a while since their last encounter, and asked about her acting progress and any roles she had or was planning to audition for. Although he wasn't an actor, he had acted in a couple of things and she found that he was easy to talk to and bounce ideas off of. Usually, when he had time during his busy schedule he would message or call her, and they would chat here and there. It had been a bit awkward the first time he called out of the blue but she had slowly gotten accustomed to it.

Although she wondered why he bothered and was extra kind to her, she appreciated it as she didn't have any close friends.

While she prepped, she also continued her interactions with Luca, but she rarely saw Kaiser or even Roman. It seemed work had become extra busy for them, so she and Luca got even closer to each other.

At the time she was preparing for the auditions, it seemed all the projects she had worked on were preparing to be released. Firstly, a countdown clock had been placed on the Fallen Angels home page as well as on all their social media profiles indicating that in a week they would be releasing part 1 of the music video – Kill You Love. Each day of the countdown at midnight, a special visual from the music video would be released. They were mostly shots of Rio or Shawn, but occasionally there would be shots of Valentina or Yuri that didn't fully show their faces which began driving the fans into a frenzy.

Simultaneously, the Spring Love production team started releasing the visual photos and trailer for the drama. Valentina had been checking the site multiple times a day, but she wasn't in the first round of trailers, and she wasn't even listed as a cast member as well.

Even though she had seen scenes of herself at the premiere, it seemed that they had completely cut her out of the movie promotional material and possibly the episodes altogether. Although she understood that that was how show business worked, it still left a bitter taste in her mouth and put her in a bad mood.

Angry but having nothing to take it out on, she decided to go on a walk. Because it was late in the evening. Luca was in bed and Kaiser shouldn't be home yet. She dejectedly walked to the swing set at the back of the house and slowly swung herself while looking at the sky and trying to process her feelings.

Although it wasn't a role she got with her own hands, she had worked for it and had done the best she could at the time. She wanted to see her first role out in the world but clearly, it wasn't meant to be.

Sighing, she lightly slapped her cheeks.

"If they don't want to share this one, it's fine. I only have to do better on the next one. I can do it. I am awesome!"

"Yes, you are."


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