Chapter 95 - Kiss (3)

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"He's fast asleep, and you know he's a heavy sleeper. Don't I deserve a reward and bribe for all the work I'll be doing?" Kaiser asked her sweetly as he tightly held onto her waist and brought her close to him.

As he maintained eye contact with her, Kaiser pulled a strand of her hair and pressed it to his lips. "I think I did a pretty good job, don't you? You got a free lesson in being a bad person, and I handled a potentially problematic issue for you. So Valentina, where's my reward?"

Despite his sly smile, she could see the earnestness in his eyes, but she knew she couldn't give him a pass here. Otherwise, this bad behavior would continue.

Sighing, she brushed her fingers through her hair before pushing away from him, "Kaiser, fine. I've understood your point, and I won't do something against Aaliyah until I cover all my bases and make sure I won't get caught. But you have to promise not to do something like this again."

"No can do. I don't care if you plot against her, but if Aaliyah does anything to you and I catch her, I will hit her back twice as hard. She's lucky I haven't directly removed her from the film. You're my people, Valentina, and I don't want to see you getting hurt. Especially by someone from the Salazar family."

"Kaiser." She called his name in warning, but he shook his head adamantly.

"I won't compromise on this. What's done is done, and I don't regret my actions. Aaliyah should be happy I stopped here, and Antonio Salazar better not touch you again, or he'll lose that hand. I don't like people touching my things." Kaiser replied back with an unapologetic smile.

Seeing him reply confidently with no remorse, she glared at him, "First, I'm not your thing. And Two words, Kaiser. Power imbalance. You didn't ask me if I wanted people to know that I cough up blood or if I wanted to be shown in such a vulnerable state. Now, for all posterity, the video of me being hurt like that will live on the web forever. While it got the point across and stopped the media storm, it was definitely not in a way that I approve of, and I need you to understand that. You can't do things like that without consulting me."

As the two of them stared at each other, Kaiser was the one who looked away first with a contrite expression.

"... you're right. I didn't think about that part. I still don't regret grabbing the film and clearing your name, but I can see why you would not be pleased with the video being out. I'll have my assistant put out a takedown notice for the video and send out a cease and desist memo to everyone. Still, I can't promise I won't act again if I see a potentially bad situation like this."

"...There better be more words coming after that statement," Valentina continued, glaring at him while crossing her arms. She wouldn't be fooled by the slightly repentant look on his face.

"But I can promise to consult you first before I do something like this and not follow through if you tell me no. I'm not trying to overwrite your will and make decisions for you or control your life. I'm just looking out for you and protecting you the best way I know how. I know how dark and evil people and the media can be, and it's better for someone like me, who has power and experience dealing with that kind of dirt, to make a move than someone innocent like you."

"I understand you are trying to protect me, but I don't like you messing around with my life, and I don't like you making decisions about situations involving me without consulting me about it. And I'm not some innocent plant in a greenhouse."

"Aren't you? No matter how I look at it, you're definitely more of a bunny rabbit than a big bad wolf. Let's take this incident. You're out on top, and nobody suspects you. Didn't I do a good job? Shouldn't you properly accept my help from now on?" Kaiser asked with a sly smile while pulling her hands down, intertwining their fingers, and placing her free hand on his head.

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