Chapter 88 - Family Drama (6)

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

When Valentina woke up, it was to the sound of a familiar sound beeping in the background. As she took in the white walls, the machines to the side, and the IV in her arm, she wanted to sigh. She was back in the hospital. Feeling the aches and pains in her body she groaned before looking around.

Spotting Kaiser staring at her as he sat in a too-small chair, she gave him a soft smile.

"Good morning." She greeted him happily, but he only brushed his hair back while sighing. He was wearing the same clothes she had last seen him in except he looked a bit ruffled with the slight shadows under his eyes and the stubble on his face.

"Valentina," he called her name gently even as he got up to stand over her.


Kaiser didn't say anything as his hand gently stroked her cheek before touching her forehead and checking her temperature.

Seeing as he still didn't say anything, she pressed the button on the bed to move vertically and support her back as she sat up.

"Kaiser? What's up? Where are we? What happened after I passed out?"

"Valentina," Kaiser called her name softly as he heard her flippant tone.


"Is it always like this?" Kaiser asked in a soft tone.

"What?" she asked him in confusion.

"Are the Salazar's abusing you? Is that why you changed so much from what's reported? Why the hell did Aaliyah push you down the stairs and why do you have a slap mark on your cheek? It's too big to be her hand so did your father hit you? What is going on? How long has this been going on? Do you need my help?"

Seeing his expectant yet furious gaze as he asked a barrage of questions, she sighed before responding.

"It's nothing."

"Valentina. I told you we would talk about this later but let's do it now. What the hell is going on with you? What is happening with your family and why are you hiding it?"

Seeing as she still stayed silent, Kaiser dragged his chair closer to the bed.

"Valentina. I am incredibly angry right now. So angry I don't know what I will do to Aaliyah or your father or the Salazar family. I know I promised not to interfere with your life or your family but this is not something I can just sit back and let slide. Please, Valentina, explain. We're not leaving here until you do."

As she looked at him with an expression of difficulty, Kaiser sighed before looking away.

"If you don't want to share I'll start. Feel free to jump in at any time."

Seeing her nod, he continued, "From what I've investigated so far, you were accidentally switched at birth with Aaliyah. You grew up in the countryside to poor parents while she grew up here in the capital. Although you were sickly, it was never to the extent of coughing blood like you do now. Something happened when you were 15 and you were brought back to the Salazar house as Aaliyah's adopted sister. Finding out about your schooling was a bit difficult but it seems you ended up going to school abroad. Then you returned to join the entertainment industry and signed with Black Rock. Everyone I've had questioned says that you were gloomy, weak, a loner, and a bad worker and actress. You didn't get along with anyone despite your beauty and never fully completed a job. There were rumors you tried to use the Salazar name to climb up, but nobody believed you were a child of the Salazar family as they didn't claim you.

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