Labor Pains

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Two Hours Later
June 12th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Why did I ever have sex? Orgasms aren't worth it. If sex means this can happen then I'm never doing it again. I've been in active labor for way too fucking long. Active labor should last 5-8 hours and it's been 11. Does the baby want to kill me? Does the baby actually hate me? I'm convinced this baby wants me to die. I find it completely absurd that women have to suffer like this. I had sex and this is my reward? Months of peeing every five seconds, stuffing my face with peanut butter, horrible back pain, and never-ending nausea? Then pushing a baby out of my vagina? Dear god this better be worth it because right now I want to kill myself.

"The books said active labor shouldn't last this long!" I scream as another contraction radiates throughout my body.

"Not every labor is the same." Travis grabs my hand to assist me but I continue to yell.

"It should be! They should all be like an hour and it's all over with!"

"Remember, breathe in, breathe out. Our baby will be here soon. Then everything will be better. This time tomorrow we will be holding our brand new baby girl."

The contraction finally subsides and I'm able to calm down. "I feel like I need to push. I want to push."

"Let me get the doctor. I'll be right back." Travis quickly runs out the door and I hold onto the railings of the bed. I groan loudly in pain and I can feel tears dripping off my face. I hear the door open and I see Travis with the doctor.

"I heard you feel like you want to push. That's a sign you're getting close so let me check how dilated you are." Doctor Dudek says. I adjust my legs so she can check my cervix. I look away from the two of them as making eye contact with either of them in this situation isn't wanted.

"10 centimeters." It didn't sound real. She told me I was ready to push. All of it is going to be over soon.

"What?" I have to make sure I heard her correctly.

"You're about to be a mom." She gives a small smile under her mask and my heart begins to race. Oh god, I'm terrified. I'm going to have a panic attack I think. My breathing becomes labored and all my fears are swallowing me.

"Taylor, Taylor, calm down. Breathe." Travis tightly grabs my hand which brings me back to reality. "You can do this."

Delivery nurses came in and within minutes the whole room was prepared for me to give birth. I think the only person not prepared was me. I was scared to death but I shoved my fears aside and focused on my unborn baby. The books never prepare you for when it happens but I finally start to push. When I tell you I screamed, I probably damaged my vocal cords. Travis wraps his right arm around my back as I push and gives me his left hand to hold/crush. I continued to push for about an hour and every minute of it was absolute hell. I wanted to give up. I wanted to quit but I couldn't.

"Oh sweet Jesus mother fucking Christ it burns!" I scream. The ring of fire is real.

"Stop! Stop pushing. I can feel her head. Your baby is crowning. You're almost done."

I can't push for a couple minutes now. I groan loudly in pain, trying to tolerate the labor but I can't. Another contraction starts and all I want to do is push. Instead, I shriek, gripping onto Travis. "You're doing a great job. You're almost there." Travis tries to encourage me but pain is trumping. I was wailing so loud it could have woken up the dead.

"Okay. On the next contraction, I want you to push but not too hard."

I continue to follow her instructions for several more minutes but the baby is still not here.

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