A Good Person

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Three Weeks Later
March 8th; 2026
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Travis, Viola, and I drove down to Philadelphia to visit Jason and Kylie. I drove the entire way despite my driving record. Travis was backseat driving the entire time and I told him he should drive if he was going to judge me.  Of course, he can't drive right now so he said it was a cheap shot and we had an argument in the car. The argument was loud and scary so it caused Viola to cry hysterically. Then Travis and I argued over how we made her cry and we spent 75% of the trip with a screaming one-year-old. Once we finally arrived at their house I didn't bother helping Travis out of the car or getting him his crutches. I just grabbed Viola and went inside to the guest bedroom and turned on some classical musical to help calm her down. I know Travis won't be pleased with me about it but I really don't give a shit. I care more about our crying daughter.

Once Viola calmed down I went into the living room where Jason and Travis were sitting. All of his nieces ran up to Travis and he gave them hugs and talked to them with so much love. I miss when he did that with Viola. God, he could always make her laugh. He picks up Bennette and puts her on his lap which breaks my heart into a thousand pieces. I decide I can't take it anymore and quickly go outside after throwing on a jacket. I don't care how fucking cold it is.

"Come on sweetie, let's put on your coat." Viola holds out her hands as I slide her fluffy pink coat on her.

"Where Bo?" She asks as I finish zipping up her coat. She's recently learned the word where but she doesn't really know how to use it or when. She'll just use it a lot because she can.

"Bo is at home, hun bun."

"Where kitty?" She's just going to keep asking random questions.

"The kitties are at home with Bo."

"Dada play." Viola says pointing towards Travis and the girls. The door to the backyard is a clear sliding glass door so she can see through it.

"Yeah, Daddy is playing with your cousins."

"I no play." She frowns. She's trying to tell me that her dad is playing with her cousins but he doesn't play with her. For a second there I wanted to get a shotgun and shoot Travis. I do have a boating license.

I pick her up and hold her close to my chest, giving her the warmest hug possible. "I love you so much." Viola is too young to understand why her dad isn't playing with her. All I could do is provide her comfort and tell her how much I loved her.

"Bed." She mumbles. It's not nap time for another hour but I'm willing to make an exception. I took her to Bennette's room and put her down for a nap which she quickly fell into. She's always been such a good sleeper. I leave the bedroom and immediately avoid Travis by going outside again. I hear the door slide open then close and Kylie walks outside with her coat on. She stands next to me with her arms crossed as she tries to preserve body heat.

"Why are you avoiding everyone?" She asks. She doesn't even give me eye contact. We both just look into the distance.

"I'm not avoiding everyone, I'm avoiding Travis."  I admit.

"White or red?"

"I'm good. I'll have some later." I need to start coming up with reasons for why I'm not drinking.

"Travis isn't going to be signed on somewhere else, is he?" Kylie says.

"He would have been signed onto a team weeks ago if someone wanted him." I sigh.

"Why all the distance? You and Travis have a fight?"

"He's miserable Ky and he's making sure he goes out of his way to make my life a living hell too. The worst of it all is how much Viola misses her dad." Kylie looks at me, full of pity. "She said he plays with your kids but doesn't play with her. What do you even say to that?"

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