La La Land

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Four Days Later
January 30st; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I knock on the door of an apartment that has been tarnished with memories. I used to call this man my home but now he's one of my greatest insecurities. He's the reason I haven't been to the UK in over a year. The fear of running into him overwhelms me. Even though we left off on good terms, it still hurts. I'm wearing an oversized coat to cover up my growing bump since it's becoming more visible by the day. The door opens and there he stands. The ocean-blue eyes and perfect blond hair. I'm frozen in place and beginning to forget why I came here in the first place. I think he's shocked too because he stands there with the door open in silence. It's not often your ex shows up on your doorstep after a year with no warning. 

"Hey." I wave my hand shyly.

"Uh, hey. Come in." Joe lets me inside his apartment and overall it's quite nice. It's kept clean and looks spacious.

"Anyone else here?" I ask.

"No, it's just me. Why are you here?" Joe immediately questions my presence which is something I'd do as well.

"You left the Tiffany J necklace in New York. I think you should have it back so I came to return it." I shove the necklace in his hands and he looks me up and down.

"Thank you, but why are you really here?"

"I honestly don't know." I came for comfort from someone but what is he going to do about it?

"Do you need to talk?"

I sigh with my hands over my bump. It's become instinctive to cover my stomach during times of stress. "This is going to sound strange but I need peanut butter and a spoon."

"I'm not sure if I have it but I can look." Joe walks into the kitchen and begins to look through his cabinets. "I have honey, jam, Marmite..."


"You always had such a disdain for Marmite." He chuckles still rummaging around.

"It's disgusting!"

"Peanut butter! I guess I do have some." Joe takes the jar and tosses it to me. I read the label and frown.

"This is smooth. I want crunchy." I insist.

"It's a miracle I had it in the first place. You get what you get." He hands me a spoon and the first thing I do is screw off the lid and take a mouthful of peanut butter.

"You are a lifesaver," I tell him with my mouth still full.

"Yeah, you can keep that."

"I wasn't planning on giving it back."

"Let me take your coat." I guess I let my guard down too much because I forgot why I had it on. I gave the coat to him and he hung it up by the door. When he walked back over he stopped in place, looking directly at my stomach. Oops. I put the spoon in the jar of peanut butter and clear my throat.

"So, yeah. About that."

"Are you?" Everyone knows the rule to never ask a woman if she's pregnant.

I nod my head. "Yeah."

"Is it?" Joe points to himself in a panic.

"Joe, we haven't had sex in almost a year." Math and pregnancy aren't for men, is it?

"I'm sorry, I'm just shocked. How far along are you?"

21 weeks and 53 jars of peanut butter."

"Bloody hell."

"The peanut butter or pregnancy?"

"Both. Honestly, you don't look 21 weeks pregnant."

"My OB said it's perfectly normal. It's probably because of how tall I am plus with my workout routines."

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