undefined - andrei svechnikov *

905 5 1

WC: 2301
Song associated with this story: «O, Боже какой мужчина!» by Натали
** Translation: "Oh God, what a man!" by Natali
*Sexual content*

The goal horn blared throughout PNC Arena as yet another Carolina Hurricanes goal was granted to put the Canes up six-nothing against the Columbus Blue Jackets.

I stood and cheered as I took some shots at the team's celebration and before that, I had gotten some of Svechnikov's celebration as he was the one who scored the sixth goal of the game for the Canes and his third of the game, completing his hat trick with five minutes left in the third period and of regulation.

Andrei slipped a smile toward my direction, and even dared to wink at me.

I giggled as I snapped another picture of him and after he skated away to high-five his teammates on the bench as hats flew onto the ice and around me, I took a glance at the picture I snapped of him. His smirk was unbearable; smart and cocky, like he knows what he wants when the game was over.

Andrei and I have been talking and hooking up for the past couple of weeks. However, it's been a little known secret to some since I was one of the lead photographers for the Hurricanes, and if the front office and bosses up there found out I've been sleeping and sucking on Andrei's dick for the last few weeks, I'd surely be banned for life from attending any Hurricanes games. Which would be unfortunate, since I've grown up bleeding Canes black and red since the day I was born.

Although me sucking and riding on Andrei's dick pleasured me, it sure impacted his performance. Since we started talking, his goals were up fifteen, and his assists were up ten, totaling to twenty-five points and a plus-minus of +17. Plus, he's shot at the net a large majority of times, so his shots on goal were high as well.

Once the game ended, Carolina winning six-nothing against the Blue Jackets, I headed out to locker room to snap some post-game, sweaty hockey guys after an important division win.

I held out my clenched fist to hopefully get some fist bumps while I took some pictures of the Hurricanes players entering the locker room, and some of them fist-bumped me. How respectful!

One of the last players in line was Andrei, and of course, being the kind of person he is, he smirked and gave me a fist bump.

"I'll see you, you know where," he told me in a mutter, then went into the locker room.

I smiled as I clicked the last picture of the night before heading to change. Andrei's hat trick probably got him in the mood to unwind a little, and by "unwind" I mean a good round of good, rough sex. Oh, I was ecstatic.

I changed into a black Hurricanes sweatshirt and some black Nike sweatpants before heading out to the players' parking lot for home games at PNC Arena, with my camera equipment in a bag slung around my shoulder.

I waited around Andrei's car, of course parked next to his buddy Seth Jarvis, and waited for him to walk out of the back door.

As I was typing a text to send to Andrei after five minutes of waiting as other Hurricanes players started walking out to their vehicles, I heard an abrupt noise, like a hockey bag slam on the ground.

I raised my head from my phone and noticed it was Seth on the other side of his car trying to unlock his vehicle.

I walked around Andrei's car to see what Seth was doing.

"Hey, Seth, do you know where Andrei is?" I asked him, and by the the calling of his name, he turned his head to face me.

He examined me in confusion. "What are you doing out here, Lydia? Why are you looking for Svech specifically?" he asked, grunting as he put his hockey bag in the back seat to his car.

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