Housekeeping part 1

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It seems busier than usual today, more colleagues seem to be talking to one another.

Quicker. Louder.

They seem excited about something and of course I know why.

Today some of us will be chosen to work the day in another hotel owned by the same company. Above all the chosen will be paid more for less work.

The other hotel is a bit older and thus smaller.

Agatha, our housekeeping supervisor enters the loud room with a small stack of paper in her hand.

"Attention everyone, may I please have your attention!"

Almost everyone falls silent immediately, staring in full anticipation at the older lady.

Agatha pushes her reading glasses a bit further up her nose bridge.

"Good morning, I hope you are well rested because I will now announce the housekeepers whom will accompany me at the redwood hotel."


She stops for a second to look around, making eye contact with everyone and the few whispers stop.

"Thank you." She says with a strict smile.

"So the list goes as follows: Amy, Leroy, Gertrude, Sophia and Rachel. You will come with me."

Hearing her drop my name makes my heart beat faster.

Did she finally pick me because she thinks I do well or know about the reason I need more money?

Now that I think about it, her choices in people seem a bit off. She definitely picked some odd ones too.

Amy is only working here during her school vacations and is only seventeen.

Leroy is the only man who works here in housekeeping. I can understand why he was picked, he is quite strong after all.

Gertrude is our paranormal fanatic and believes that she can see ghosts. I heard that she has a side-job as an exorcist or shaman as well. Other than that, she is not the fastest worker here.

Sophia is another story, I can understand why she was chosen, she is our workaholic after all. She takes any shift she can get her hands on and you can sometimes find her a couple of months in a row working every single day, if not more. I really wonder how she is able to do it, but she does and has gotten very quick and efficient at her job.

I, personally, have no idea why they came to the decision to choose me. Maybe they know about how I could really use the money.

Two years ago my brother got himself thrown into prison for multiple charges and since he didn't have any legal money, It fell upon his family to pay for his charges.

I had to quit my old job to work here, they pay the housekeepers here a lot. Well it is a super fancy hotel anyway.

I do really regret leaving my old job, it was the one place that I felt most accepted and appreciated. Once I get the money I need, I'm thinking of returning to my former job. Even if it's just to see those familiar faces again.

Okay, enough reminiscing about the past, I have a job to do!

Agatha has rented a small bus for us and all of our supplies. Slightly leaning against the van smoking her cigarette she awaits us.

I am the first to approach her, the others must still be getting ready and are still back in the breakroom.

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