Chapter 14: True Happiness

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When Bryson and Sam pulled up, Emma happily skipped outside with Liam close behind her. "Hey, Bryson. Hey S-- Oh" she paused. "What do we have here?" she grinned, reaching out her arm to touch his hickey covered neck with her fingertip.

She looked back to see Liam's expression shift from surprise to amusement. When she turned back to Sam, she saw his face turn a bright shade of red. "Uh-- those are, uh--"

"A work of art" Bryson finished.

"Shh!" Sam hissed, elbowing Bryson in the arm. "Asshole."

"So, you two..." Emma said, pointing from Sam to Bryson.

"The sexual tension finally got the best of them" Liam said with a smirk.

"There was no sexual tension!" Sam argued.

"Denial is the first stage of acceptance."

"Shut up!"

"Alright you two" Emma interjected while Bryson simply laughed.

Bryson moved closer to Sam to stand behind him and wrap his arms around his waist. "Relax" he said into his ear.

Sam crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side in an attempt to hide his blush.

"I shipped it from the start; I could've saw this coming" Emma said proudly.

Liam snorted. "That makes two of us."

"Moving on!" Sam said with his finger in the air. "The fair is awaiting us" he said, putting back on his usual grin.

The four of them got into Bryson's jeep with Sam in the passenger seat next to him and Emma and Liam sitting next to each other. Emma zoned out until Liam set his hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently with his thumb.

She leaned her head against the seat and tilted it to look at him. She gave a small smile as she trailed her hand up his arm. The two spent the rest of the ride smiling at each other and ignoring everything and everyone around them.

When they got out of the car, Sam eagerly pulled his skateboard out of... somewhere in the car that no one seemed to be able to figure out. "This would be a perfect place to try out some new tricks."

"Absolutely not. I do not feel like driving you to the hospital today" Bryson said before anyone else could get a word in.

Liam's lips parted, but Emma nudged him a bit and gave him a look.

Give them a minute.

"I've been practicing!" Sam whined.

Bryson had already taken the skateboard away and put it in the backseat. "You've injured yourself enough times this week you idiot."


When Bryson grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward, Sam paused, suddenly losing his train of thought. "But nothing" he whispered before giving him a quick kiss on the lips to further fluster him.

"Oho! I love this" Emma giggled, pretending to eat popcorn. "Ok, now I want popcorn."

Liam chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'll buy you some" he said, looking from Emma's beaming face to his two friends. "You love birds coming?"

"Yeah, yeah" Sam said, waving his hand around while Bryson laughed.

Emma and Sam were cursing profusely at the rigged games while Liam and Bryson stood on the sidelines, watching the chaos unfold. Sam would yell at the workers who rigged the games, demanding his money back, while Emma backed him up until Liam and Bryson gently pulled them away. Bryson ended up buying the two hot heads some slushies and cotton candy to calm them down.

"Cherry!" Emma beamed, handing the slushy to Liam. "Try it."

Liam looked down at the drink before taking a sip from her straw. "Not bad" he smiled.

When she grinned, something caught his attention. "Your teeth are red."

"And now yours are too" she winked.

Liam had forgot about his two friends until they started laughing at his expression. When he took a closer look at their mouths, he saw that Sam's teeth were read but his tongue was... purple? His eyes shifted to Bryson whose teeth were... blue.

"When did you guys even get the time to make out?" Liam joked.

"When you zoned out for however long just staring at Emma" Bryson smirked.

Emma tucked some of her hair behind her ear as she looked up at Liam, sipping her slushy. "They left a few minutes ago before coming back with purple tongues" she said with a smile. "Don't worry, you weren't staring for that long."

When he felt his face start to heat up, Liam turned his head away. But he couldn't stop the smile that tugged on the corner of his lips when Emma kissed his cheek.

"We need to try out some of the rides!" Sam suggested excitedly. "Like the spinny ones."

"Last time we tried one of those rides, you threw up on me" Bryson said, cocking his brow.

"I only threw up on your shoe!"

"You still--"

"Boys!" Emma said, waving around a finger. "How about the Ferris wheel?"

The exchanged a glance before nodding. "Sure" they said at the same time, already walking towards it.

Emma and Liam walked behind them side by side when Liam inched closer and intertwined their fingers. She smiled as she looked down at the ground and then to their hands.

She had never felt so happy, so warm and fuzzy inside.

So, this is what true happiness feels like. 

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