🩸Cold Blooded (pt.48)🩸

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"C-Cleodare? My wife?" I couldn't get my words to come out.

I looked back as her head quickly perked up, her eyes wide like an innocent puppy. She jumped to her feet and rushed over to us.

I stepped back as she opened the door wider.

"I'm sorry, sir, please come in," she raced.

Whatever was going on, I was glad Melanie had never been too curious about things like strangers and always kept herself occupied.

I could sense the fear in Cleo's voice, the welcome in her eyes being strained with discomfort.

"Ah, lovely home you two have." He hummed, stepping in. His hands were neatly folded together behind his back.

Cleo seemed to immediately throw on a polite, formal tone. "I...apologize for being so blunt, sir, but what are you doing here?"

"Let's get seated first, yes?"

She quickly nodded, leading him into the dining room, which was behind the kitchen, and had an extra couch.

I went over to Melanie, who was still entertaining herself with her dolls.

"Mommy!" She cried happily, "Play with me?"

"I can't right now, lovely. Mama and I are going to go to the dining room, okay?"

She nodded.

"You have to stay here," I told her sternly.
"Okay, Mommy!"

I kissed the top of her head, before going back to the kitchen, poking my head into the dining room. I wasn't actually sure if they wanted me with them or not.

"Oh, please join us, darling." The man smiled.

I slowly went in, but my back stayed glued against the wall.

He sat with his hands once again, folded in his lap, his legs crossed. He was calm, you could tell just from looking at him. The air around him was stiff, holding in the surge of power he seemed to give off.

"Would you like a drink?" Cleo asked him.
"I think that'd be pleasant, thank you."

She quickly went back to the kitchen, leaving me with him.

I got the feeling if Cleo was being so polite to a stranger, who she also called "sir", I should follow.

I gave a small smile, and he nodded as I followed her out.

"Cleo," I whispered, "wh-what...who?"

"I will explain things later." She hushed me, planting a small kiss on my lips as she poured a bag of AB negative into a champagne glass.

I knew it was serious if she was taking out the rarer blood.

She spoke below a whisper that was so close to silence, that I had to extensively strain my ears to hear her.

"He has the power to kill all of us in two seconds. So we're going to play this safe, okay?"

I quickly nodded, and she rushed back to the dining room.

"Apologies, I hope you like it cold."
"Ah," he said as he took it from her, "in November?"

She gave him a faltering smile.

"No worries, sit down, both of you."

We both quickly compiled, she sat across from him, while I pulled up a chair.

"Now, I know it's impolite to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but pick up on your questions, Marine," he smiled, although this time it seemed to come across as a smirk.

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