🩸Punishment (pt.65)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter 63-74 (the end) of this book will include highly sensitive and emotional topics. Viewer discretion is advised‼️

Cleodare's POV:

Her body was limp in my arms. Heavy like lead in water. I could hear her heartbeat slowing.

The noise was torturous. I wished I could turn it off.

It was one slow, useless thump after another.

Until, nothing.

"Marine?" I quickly pulled away from her.

"Marine?" I shook her violently.

My heart ripped into countless agony-loaded pieces when she did what I knew she would. Nothing.

She did nothing.

A scream of torment came from me. Waterfalls of tears escaped my eyes.

"No! Please!"

Out of fierce anger, I tore the knife out from her chest and threw it to the side. She still bled in dribbles.

My arms trembled as I held my lifeless girlfriend in my arms.

My breathing was harsh, tears sprinkled in between breaths.

The woman to my right spoke. The one who had killed her.


I gave her a killing glare. "You've done enough."

Tears. It was all I felt. I'd let the lump in my throat free and now it burned. I couldn't speak.

It was like falling into a pit of sorrow. I couldn't find a ledge to get out.

I cried over her corpse until her body started to go pale.

Fifteen minutes? I knew that. I knew how long it took for a body to go grey.

I should focus on the things I knew.

What did I know now that she was gone?

Theodore pulled me up onto my feet. Like he couldn't bear to see my pity any longer.

Standing up with the shaking legs I had should've been illegal.

I kneeled down and grabbed Marine, holding her deceased body in my arms.

I pushed past Theo and I ran. Running until I was far enough into the forest where I could stop to cry again.

A small rose bush sat.

The thorns pricked my fingers as I tore one off the bush. But it was nothing. Nothing was as bad as the pit inside me.

Clearing the branches out of the way, I gently set her down on the grass.

"There you go, babydoll," I whispered as I set the rose in her hands. I positioned her hands to cover the bloody hole in her chest. The hole where the life had been drained out of her.

Drained by that leech of a woman. I'd kill her. I'd rip her throat out. Stab her in the heart. Whatever I had to do. I would kill that life-draining leech.

Marine lay with her eyes closed, her hands over her chest, holding the stem. I sat beside her on my knees, trying to recognize the face I loved so dearly.

But it wasn't her. It was pale. Her chest wasn't rising and falling.

I kissed her. I kissed her blue lips.

There was no kiss back.
There was no comfort.

The kiss lacked safety, having been sucked dry of it.

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