🩸Nudes and Bruises (pt.51)🩸

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On the second day of hell, I woke up at 10 a.m., an hour later than Cleo always did to wake up the children. As I sat up, I realized that Melanie had already made herself comfortable in my bed.

I sighed and gently shook her awake, "Time to get up, lovely."


"I know, but we have to get up and...start our day." I told her, my eyes pleading to fall back asleep.

"No," she said again.

"Sit up, lovely, come here."

She did as I said, although very lazily. Her head slammed into my lap.

I sighed, running my fingers through her hair, trying to wake myself up.

"Let's get up, now."

I sat her up and picked her up, her head pressing against my chest. I had to hold her with strong arms, it seemed like she was getting heavier each day. The thing that was the most horrible is that I never knew when would be the last time I'd get to hold her.

I stood up and took her to the bathroom, brushing both of our hair, as well as our teeth. Then I headed to the nursery. I put Melanie on the green cushioned chair in the corner as I got Theo up, who was a very good sleeper.

Once we all got past the sleepy morning stage and into playtime, I was sure everything would start to run smoother.

"Sweetheart," I gently brushed a hand over his cheek.

He was cuddled under a thin blanket in his crib, his face stuffed in his shabby, periwinkle rabbit plush.

I wasn't sure why the fabric of the stuffed animal was so shabby, he'd had it since he was five months old, it wasn't that aged.

His eyes slowly fluttered open, and he peered up at me with no movement from his head.

"There's my little angel,"

He cooed, smiling as he quickly stood up and sloppily grasped the wooden frame of his crib.

With a small grunt, I scooped him up, along with his rabbit, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

I had to do a diaper change, and then we all went downstairs. It was never a thrilling experience in the morning.

"Mommy!" Melanie tugged on my sweatpants as I went down the stairs, Theo slobbering over my shoulder.

"Hands on the railing, Mel." I reminded her.

She did as I said. "Mommy!"



"She's not here, lovely. She'll be back home soon."
"Two more days."

She just huffed.

I clipped Theo into his little swing by the kitchen counter and stifled a sigh.

She tilted her head at me as I knelt down to her level. I put up my fingers, "We have all of today," I put one finger down, "and then Mama will be back tomorrow night. When it's dark outside."
Her eyes widened.

"Tomorrow night," I said.
"Nighttime." She repeated quietly.

Close enough.

I gave her a small head pat and stood back up. At least the perks of being in my early twenties while being a parent meant that my bones were still mostly in shape to do crazy shit with them.

I still needed to go grocery shopping, but usually I could just leave the children home with Cleo. It wasn't an option now, and I wasn't sure how I'd handle them both.

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