Chapter 16 - Singular shot

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The living room feels suffocatingly tense as we sit there, our hearts pounding in the backdrop of an uncertain future. Our eyes are glued to Thomas, waiting for the signal that it's safe for Noah, Mike, and me to venture outside to secure another vehicle. Outside, the relentless presence of the infected looms, and the anxiety inside the house is noticeable.

The clock seems to tick ever so slowly while we wait for Thomas to give the green light. We contemplate different kinds of strategies, including using Joel's noisy firetruck to distract the infected. But it's a dilemma — do we use the toy now or save it for an even more desperate situation? or not at all, to give Joel his precious firetruck back?

The weight of our impending mission hangs heavily in the air, and the knowledge that the world outside is now a perilous battleground doesn't make the situation any easier. For now, we sit in suspense, awaiting our chance to secure a lifeline to our uncertain future.

Thomas's arm muscle twitches, and he stares out the window with concentration.

"Now," he says in a whisper, hoping the zombies won't hear him. We spring into action, moving quietly as we prepare to venture outside. It's a dangerous world, but we're determined to survive and secure another car.

We are at the door, Zane opening, Mike, Noah and I are getting ready. but so is Thomas.

"what are you doing?" I ask him confused

"Didn't think I would let you have fun without me, did you?" he replies as he zips up his jacket, I let out a chuckle, but I also notice Mike's glare, and concern replaces my smile.

We venture outside, our steps shrouded in silence, each of us acutely aware of the dangers lurking in the vicinity. Thomas takes the lead, followed closely by me, with Noah right behind, and Mike bringing up the rear. We crouch behind Thomas's car, seeking cover to avoid attracting the attention of the walkers that roam nearby.

As I scan the neighborhood for both potential threats and potential escape vehicles, my eyes lock onto a red car with its door ajar. A surge of anticipation washes over me, and I gently nudge Noah, directing his attention to the red car. His eyes widen with excitement as he acknowledges the newfound opportunity, and we proceed with nimble, calculated movements toward our target.

In the dimly lit car, Thomas slumps into the seat, a look of disappointment etches on his face. He shakes his head, frustration evident in his expression. There are no keys to be found. A silent curse passes through his thoughts.

Noah, however, isn't about to let this setback deter him. He subtly gesture for Thomas to vacate the car. As Thomas exit, Noah swiftly maneuveres himself beneath the steering wheel. For a brief moment, it seems as if he's hijacking the car, a sly grin playing on his lips. The hum of the car's engine coming to life confirming that Noah has indeed figured out a way to start it.

With a sense of pride, he emerges from the vehicle, his whispering words hanging in the air. "But don't tell my parents," he cautions, his voice conspiratorial, as if they are sharing a secret too precious to reveal.

Amidst the tension, a low, ominous growl captures my attention, sending a chill down my spine. I glance over and spot the walkers approaching with alarming speed. Panic wells up within me, and I nearly shout, "In the car!" The urgency in my voice spurrs everyone into action as we scrambled into the vehicle.

However, my relief is short-lived. Once inside, I frantically scan our surroundings and realize that Thomas is missing. "Where is Thomas?" I panick, my gaze locked on the walkers attempting to reach us through the car's windows. I hadn't noticed this many of them when we first went out. Where had they all come from? The possibility of their enhanced hearing sends a shiver through me.

Noah can only offer a helpless shrug in response. "I don't know," he admits, his expression mirroring my concern.

Mike, ever the provocateur, chimes in with a snide comment. "Your boyfriend seems to have left us to die," he remarks, a smirk playing on his lips. My glare is loaded with frustration, irritation, and a growing sense of panic that is difficult to contain.

My heart thunders in my chest, its relentless pounding ringing in my ears. I struggle to catch my breath, afraid that this might be the end.

Suddenly, a loud alarm blares in the distance, its piercing sound echoing through the tense air. I turn my head to spot the source—a car alarm has been triggered, and a shadowy figure races toward my parents' house, Thomas. Relief floods through me, lightening my chest as the walkers are drawn away by the blaring car. We hadn't switched off our car's engine, so we waste no time, driving swiftly back to my parents' house. With my heart still racing, I park as close to the doorstep as possible, grateful that Thomas returned just in time.

We run inside to get our bags and our plan is to just run out, I grab my bag and notice my mother is sitting still, I grab her bag and her arm, but she refuses to move even an inch.

"What's wrong mama?" I whisper hurriedly.

"I Love you my Jane" she pauses "But I will not leave this house" She catches Zane's attention.

"What are you talking about mama?" concern is written all over his face.

"I have been with your father for 40 years, I have raised you and built my family in this house for 30 years, I'm not leaving," She says, tears in her eyes.

"But Mama, we are not able to protect you from the walkers here" I plead, my cheeks already wet. My mother pulls something out of her pocket, a pocket watch and her silver necklace with an oval locket, I know that there are two pictures in that locket. One of her and my father, and the other one of me and Zane. Tears are streaming down my face.

"No mama, we are not leaving you," I say louder this time. "and especially not for you to get eaten by those". my whole family is now gathered.

She reaches underneath the table and gets out a revolver. "I can take care of myself" she starts, I am not able to catch a breath between my sobs, knowing what she is thinking to do as soon as we walk out the door. "I am not able to live without your father" She looks at me and Zane, "I already said my goodbyes to everyone else, dont make it hard for me" I pinch closed my eyes, letting even more tears down.

"I love you, my dear children," she says with a smile that shows her wrinkles once again, she nods to Lucas and Thomas. Lucas wants to pull Zane out of the home, but Zane just leaves out the door silently, his cheeks as wet as mine, how can he leave so calmly? Thomas reaches for my arms, and I refuse to leave my mother.

"Mama, please don't leave" I continue "I need you" I try to hold onto her. Thomas tugs at me.

"You knew about this" I snap at Thomas feeling deep betrayal.

"I love you," my mama says, as I am forcefully pulled out the door by Thomas. Mike closes the door, and then a singular shot is heard, and my body goes numb. my mind is numb, I imagine her lifeless body on the sofa. Thomas grip is tight on me as I am put into the car, and we drive off. I couldn't comprehend how Thomas had known about her intentions, but my anger and betrayal is swallowed by the overwhelming grief that enveloped me.


Word count : 1300

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


Untold Story  ║  Book 1 of The Untold seriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ