Chapter 27 - Settled

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The camp has become our new home. It's been a welcome change from the constant fear and uncertainty that dominated our lives on the road. As the days pass, we've each found our roles within the community, contributing in our own way to the collective effort of survival.

June has taken on the role of babysitter, a natural choice for her. She cares for Joel and the other children in the camp, ensuring they're safe and occupied while their parents work or rest. Her nurturing presence brings a sense of comfort to both the children and their families.

Noah has found his place as a water technician, overseeing the camp's water supply. They requested him to ensure that the running water keeps running. He's embraced this responsibility with diligence, working to ensure our access to clean, flowing water remains uninterrupted.

Lucas, to my surprise, has assumed the task of managing the camp's electricity. It's a skill I didn't even know he possessed, but his resourcefulness shines through. The camp's power supply is unreliable, but Lucas has been working on it tirelessly, earning the respect of the camp's residents.

As for Thomas and Zane, they have ventured out on scavenger hunts for supplies each day. Their courage and dedication to this perilous task are nothing short of inspiring. Each night, we await their return, our hearts heavy with worry, but so far, they've managed to elude any dangerous encounters.

The last few days have been a welcome respite. For the first time in a long while, we haven't seen any walkers, thanks in part to the secure perimeter and our collective efforts to keep the camp safe. The sense of security is a stark contrast to the constant fear that haunted us before finding this sanctuary.

Though we've begun to adapt to our new lives in this camp, we're acutely aware of the threats that still lurk outside its protective walls. The walkers, with their unpredictable behavior, continue to be a menace, even if they've been absent from our immediate surroundings. We can't afford to become complacent. Every day, as I watch June care for the children, Noah manage the water supply, Lucas work on the electricity, and Thomas and Zane risk their lives to secure supplies, I'm reminded that our survival depends on our ability to adapt and stay vigilant.

I make my way toward the nurse station, my daily routine now etched into the fabric of camp life. The path is familiar, filled with the reassuring sounds of a community bustling with activity. My thoughts drift as I consider the recent changes within our family and the camp itself.

As I continue my stroll, I unexpectedly cross paths with Sergeant Vera Thorne. Her presence exudes confidence and authority, but her demeanor is easy-going and approachable. We engage in casual conversation, discussing the camp, its dynamics, and the transition from a life on the road to a life within these walls.

Vera's interest in our group's well-being is evident. She asks about my family, inquiring about how we're settling in and adjusting to camp life. Her questions are genuine, and I appreciate her concern.

Our conversation flows smoothly, and I begin to sense that there's something more beneath the surface. Suddenly, Vera interrupts our exchange with a question that takes me by surprise. "Is your brother available?" Her tone shifts, revealing a hint of vulnerability, and I can't help but notice the romantic interest she seems to hold for Zane.

A sense of understanding dawns on me, and I nod in response, realizing the unspoken connection between Vera and Zane. It's clear that their paths have crossed a lot the past 2 weeks at camp before.

After parting ways with Vera, I continue to the nurse station, where my daily responsibilities await. There, I resume my work, focusing on analyzing the blood samples of camp residents for any signs of infection or anomalies.

Over time, I've grown closer to the nurse, Alice, who's been an invaluable source of guidance and friendship. As we work together, Alice shares her experiences and insights, providing me with a deeper understanding of the camp's medical efforts. As we gossip Alice asks me a question.

"How come you are so good at this experiment and stuff?"

"I worked at Venus BioTech, i was leading my own experiment, in hope of finding a cure for cancer" I reveal, but never that this apocalypse is my fault.

she nods her head in understanding.

Lucas stands at the entrance. His face is a mask of panic, and his hurried footsteps are the ominous drumbeat of alarming news. In that moment, time seems to slow down, and a heavy dread envelops me as I register the disturbance in our otherwise peaceful routine.

Without any preamble, Lucas interrupts my conversation with Alice. "It's Thomas," he gasps, and the color drains from his face as he delivers the ominous message. Every word is like a dagger to my heart, and an icy grip of fear tightens around my chest.

Instinct takes over, and I'm propelled into action. With Lucas leading the way, we move swiftly to another section of the nurse station. There, my eyes land on the scene that fills me with both dread and relief. Thomas lies on a bed, his condition uncertain but his spirit unwavering. Despite the pain etched across his features, a faint smile graces his lips.

"Missed me?" he quips, a hint of mischief in his eyes, despite the discomfort he's clearly in. In the midst of the chaos that has become our reality, his words and the sight of him fill me with a profound mixture of frustration and gratitude.

I step closer to him, my voice trembling with a blend of emotions. "I did," I admit, my frustration softening as I look down at him. He's battered and wounded, but he's alive. In this unforgiving world, that's a treasure that's all too often stolen away.

Lucas and I huddle around Thomas, our collective relief palpable. We assess his injuries, making sure he's safe and sound. The camp's nurse station, once more, serves as a haven of hope and healing, a sanctuary within the sanctuary we've found in this tumultuous world.

"What happened?" i question.

"Just the usual" Thomas smirks, his green eyes staring into my soul. "there were a few walkers and a shelf fell right on top of me".

"You lost against a shelf" i grin and tease.

"haha funny"

the man who has been tending to Thomas's wound, turn to me and says "He should stay the night for observation."

"No, i am perfectly fine, lets go Jane" Thomas tries to get to his feet but i stop him.

"He will stay, thank you doctor for your help" i smile.

The doctor leaves the room with Lucas.

"You cant make me stay here" Thomas says, leaning closer to be, his face mere inches away. i can feel the heat radiating off of his body.

This time im leaning in closer to his ear and whisper "Trust me, i will".

He move his head, so instead of his ear being in front of my lips, his lips are there. i can feel his breathe on my lips, and i am tempted to remove any distance between us.

"Jane" he whispers.


"Its understandable that you want to kiss me" he pauses "afterall, i am pretty handsome"

"You are an idiot, you know that right?"


Word count : 1205

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


Untold Story  ║  Book 1 of The Untold seriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin