Chapter 14

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Chapter name- RV in Singhania empire

At night, everyone in the Singhania palace were at the terrace waiting for the moon to come. Ruhi sat down. “ Oh why does this moon takes so much time to rise on karwa chauth? I am hungry. ” said Ruhi. Samarth came to her. “ Then who told you keep the fast? ” asked Samarth. Ruhi looked at Samarth. “ Doctor sahav, shut up. ” said Ruhi.

Everyone laughed. When Dhurv shouted. “ Hey look the moon is there. ”. Everyone looked at the sky and saw the moon. Meena, Ishika and Ruhi lit the diya. Then they stood in front of Nikhil, Agastya and Samarth. Meena, Ishika and Ruhi did Nikhil, Agastya and Samarth's pooja. Then Nikhil, Agastya and Samarth made Meene, Ishika and Ruhi have water. “ Finally this is over. I am going to have food. ” said Ruhi and ran down, “ Hey wait. I am also there. ” said Samarth and ran behind Ruhi. Eveyone laughed.

Ishika held Agastya's hand. “ You and Papa haven't eaten anything since morning. Come you both also have to eat the food. ” said Ishika. Then they all came down. They saw Ruhi sitting and Samarth feeding her. Everyone got a smile on their faces. Then they all sat down. Ishika first served Agastya and Adi. Agastya held her hand. “ You sit and have first. Me and Adi will have the food. ” said Agastya. Ishika sat down.

Agastya served her. Then they all had food. When Parth came there. Ruhi looked at him. “ Bhai. ” said Ruhi and ran towards Parth. Parth looked at Ruhi with a smile on his face. Parth and Ruhi hugged each other. Ruhi felt that Parth was a little sad. “ Bhai, did anything happen? ” asked Ruhi, “ Ruhi, I am going to America next week. ” replied Parth. Ruhi was shocked. “ But Parth, it's our engagement next week. ” said Samarth while coming to them.

Parth looked at him. “ I will go after you and Ruhi get engaged. ” replied Parth, “ Bhai, I will not let you go. ” said Ruhi with tears in her eyes. Parth kept his hand on Ruhi's head. “ Rooh, it is important that is why I am going. Try to understand. ” said Parth. Ruhi kept on crying. Ishika came to her. “ Rooh. ” said Ishika. Ruhi looked at her. “ Look Ruhi, your brother is getting a very big opportunity and if you will cry like this then he will feel bad. ” said Ishika.

Ruhi cleaned her tears. “ Okay, I will.not cry now. Bhai, you can go. ” said Ruhi with a smile but she still had watery eyes. Everyone smiled. The next day, Ishika was helping Agastya getting ready. When Adi came there. “ Mumma. ” said Adi. Agastya and Ishika looked at him. Adi ran towards them. Agastya picked him. “ Look, I made this. ” said Adi and shower Agastya and Ishika a painting. In that painting there was Agastya and Ishika. Adi was in Ishika's arms and Agastya was holding a baby.

Ishika looked at Adi. “ Adi, who is this Baby? ” asked Ishika, “ My sister. ” replied Adi. Ishika blushed. Adi looked at Agastya. “ Dad, you will give me my sister right. ” said Adi. Agastya looked at Ishika whose cheeks were red. “ Of course. ” said Agastya while kissing Ishika's cheeks. Ishika smiled. Adi smiled. “ Okay, I will tell this to everyone that I will get a sister soon. ” said Adi and ran out. Ishika tried to stop him but till then Adi had left.

Ishika looked at Agastya who was laughing. “ Agastya. ” said Ishika and pushed Agastya and went behind Adi. Agastya kept laughing. Theh he picked his coat and came down. He saw everyone laughing and Ishika blushing. “ Okay, okay, stop. ” said Agastya. Everyone looked at Agastya. Then they all sat down to have food. They had food. Agastya, Annie, Dhruv and Samarth left for the Singhania empire.

They came there and saw a lot of crowd standing at the gate. “ What is this composion all about? ” asked Dhruv, “ That we will grt to know once we get down. ” said Samarth. Agastya's bodyguard went inside to look what was happening. They came out after some time. Agastya looked at them. “ What is it? ” asked Agastya, “ Sir, it is RV. ” replied one of the bodyguard. Agastya, Dhruv and Samarth looked at Annie. Annie was very angry. She opened the door and went out. “ Annie. ” said Dhruv and came down the car.

Agastya and Samarth followed them. Annie came inside and saw RV sitting in the middle of the reception area on a  chair. RV looked at Annie. “ Oh my god. My love. How are you? ” asked RV and got up. RV walked towards Annie. “ You know what? Congratulations if you got married. Oh wait. Who will marry a girl who can't even conceive. Am I right, Annie? ” said RV. Annie was so angry that she made a punch and was ready to punch RV.

“ And you were so stupid that you did the abortion. ” said RV. Now Annie lost her control and punched RV. Annie had punched RV so hard that he fell down and his mouth started to bleed. Annie pointed her finger towards RV. “ I wasn't stupid. I was in love with you. And you betrayed me. ” said Annie. Annie kicked RV on his stomach. Dhruv came there. “ Calm down Annie. ” said Dhruv. The police came there. Agastya had called them.

The police arrested RV and took him. RV looked at Annie. “ Annie, I will not let you remain happy ever. ” said RV and left from there. Annie was standing there and looking at RV in anger. Agastya came to her. " Annie, are you fine? " asked Agsstya. Annie looked at him. " Yeah, I am fine. " replied Annie and went from there. Dhruv went behind her. Agastya and Samarth looked at each other and then Samarth went out of thr office.

A week passed happily. RV was out of jail. Agastya was aware of it and had put more security for the protection of the Singhania palace. Today was the big day for Samarth and Ruhi. They both were getting engaged and after that Parth will leave. In the room, Ruhi was sitting. She was wearing a dark blue lehenga with silver and blue bangles and golden maangtika and neck piece.

Ruhi was holding her and Parth's photo in her hand. “ Bhai, since childhood we have grown up together. And now you are going. But I know that you will come back for your little girl. ” said Ruhi. Ishika and Annie came there. “ Come Ruhi. It is time. ” said Ishika. Ruhi looked at Ishika with a smile on her face. Ruhi got up and came down with Ishike and Avi. Everyone was there in the garden. Samarth wearing a off white coloured indian suit was standing at the stage with the ring box in his hand.

He was mesmerized to see Ruhi. Ruhi walked towards the stage. Samarth moved his hand towards Ruhi. Ruhi looked at him and smiled. She held his hand and then came on the stage. Parth came on the stage and gave the ring to Ruhi. Ruhi smiled. Parth kissed on Ruhi's forehead. Samarth held Ruhi's hand and put the ring in her ring finger. Then Ruhi also put the ring in Samarth's finger.

Everyone clapped and then threw flowers on them. Everyone was very happy. Tanuha came to Ruhi and Samarth. " Congratulations Ruhi. " said Tanuja while giving Ruhi and Samarth gifts, " Thanks Tanu di. " said Ruhi. Parth was looking at Tanuja when some servants got Parth's luggage. Ruhi came to Parth. “ Bhai take care. ” said Ruhi. Parth smiled and then kissed on Ruhi's forehead. Then Agastya, Samarth, Dhruv and Ridhan hugged Parth. Then Parth sat in the car and left for the airport.

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