Part 7

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    Just as he thought, Karkat didn't do anything over the weekend. He would check his phone occasionally, seeing a new message from Sollux, or Eridan desperate for help, but it was mostly from Gamzee trying to check in on him. His heart felt heavier and guiltier with each text that he refused to respond to. He didn't like Gamzee, he tried to tell himself. Just the benefits of being with him, like kissing, he mused.

    Kankri had came home from a day hanging out with his friends. When Karkat asked which ones, he found out it was Cronus, Porium, and Meulin. Karkat took notice of how Kankri gave a shy smile when he mentioned the Leijon girl, and also became aware of how Kurloz wasn't invited. When he asked why, Kankri's whole demeanor changed to an awkward one, mumbling something about Kurloz making him feel uncomfortable these days.

    After that the weekend was pretty boring, and Karkat was almost tempted to ask Dave Strider to come over, but decided against it because he was worried that he'd ask about how things were going with Gamzee so far. He didn't want to talk about Gamzee.

    But, eventually Monday reared it's ugly head back around, and Karkat had to drag himself to school with his brother in tow, reading that damn Bible the whole time. Ever since Kankri got into religion, he started to act different. Karkat couldn't stand it, and sometimes he was tempted to hit the 17 year old upside the head with that thick book of his. But unfortunately, their dad was all for the idea, and even encouraged Kankri to delve further into it and to dig around. Karkat rolled his eyes, frustrated. Maybe it was just pre-teen hormones, but lately he's been feeling pretty irritated and confused about a lot of things.

    He purposely allowed him and Kankri to be late enough to where if they stopped by their lockers then they'd be late to class and he wouldn't have to face Gamzee asking him why he didn't respond to the texts or Tavros' s inquiring brown eyes.

    Kankri, who had been too absorbed into his Bible to notice, complained as he fought with his locker combination as the late bell rung. Karkat hurried off to his first class, grateful that he didn't have to run into Gamzee yet.

    As Kankri roughly shook the locker, his black Bible fell out of the crook of his arm, his backpack beginning to slip off of his shoulder, and his hair was falling into his eyes, so it was getting harder to see.

    "Do you need a little help? Try spinning the dial left on the third number, " a voice offered, and Kankri could see by his feet as his Bible was picked up by a hand with fingerless skeleton gloves. His eyes widened, suddenly feeling dizzy and panicky. "Kurloz, " he breathed.

    Pushing his hair out of his eyes, he turned to face the taller boy full faced, fixing his backpack while he was at it. Kurloz pursed his lips for a moment, then handed Kankri back his book. "Good morning, Kanny," he murmured, his brown eyes downcast.

    Kankri felt a twist in his stomach, mostly fear and disgust, and maybe partially guilt. He had pushed Kurloz away at his most vulnerable moment, he had deserted his best friend, and yet, here he was trying to be a good guy. Kurloz looked pale, and he refused to look into Kankri's eyes, nervous looking. Just as he had the day he confessed his feelings, none of that nonsense right now. Those were sinful feelings and they were best kept quiet.

    "You're late for class," Kurloz pointed out. Still his eyes stayed glued to the aged floor, and Kankri couldn't help but sourly think how he was better off talking to it if Kurloz wasn't going to look at him. "Yea, I am." Still, neither one made a move to leave. Kankri told himself that it was because he still needed to get his books from his locker.

    "I heard you went to hang out with Muelin and all of them," Kurloz still tried for conversation. He knew it was a boring topic, and maybe a little creepy how he knew Kankri's agenda, but he was desperate to talk to him again.

    "Mm-hm, I did. Muelin is pretty cute." Kankri felt like an ass for saying that last part, but he just wanted Kurloz to leave. Being around him was always so awkward, and he felt like he was choking on the thick tension in the air. "Yea, I guess so, if you're into that sort of thing," Kurloz replied, a bit of something in his tone. Jealousy, maybe? Kankri shrugged, looking away in the other direction. If Kurloz wouldn't look at him, then fine, two could play at that game.

    "I gotta go, this is the third time this month that I've been late to first period," Kurloz mumbled, seeing that the conversation wasn't going anywhere. Kankri nodded, still looking down the hall instead of at him. "Yea, okay. See ya," he said quickly. Kurloz grabbed onto the railing that lead to the floor with all of the high school classes, separating them from the middle schoolers. "See ya,"


A.N. Okay so there's Kurloz and Kankri's interaction :D haha sorry it's so short, I hope to update soon since it's summer vacation now :3

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