Part 13

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A.N. *taps on your phone* yoo-hoo, anyone there?
    Karkats stomach clenched and hurt so bad, he felt like he was gonna throw up, which would've been difficult considering the knot in his throat. Gamzee had hardly changed, he was still tall and painfully thin, lanky. His clothes were big on him, so his fashion sense hadn't changed any either.
    Maybe the only difference was the smell, he stunk. Frowning, Karkat gave a silent, tentative sniff. Marijuana? Was Gamzee a pothead? Was he high right now? Since when did he start smoking, if he was? Maybe it was someone else at the party, Gamzee was probably hanging around them and the smoke probably clung to his clothes.
    "Why are you staring at me like that?" His voice! It was deep, drawn out slow and amused. This was definitely his Gamzee. Karkat's hands felt clamy and just wanted to sit down, or maybe he just wanted to run away? This was too much adrenaline for something so small like an accidental meet up.
    Karkat was still as tiny as ever, but he was completely silent, so Gamzee supposed that was the only difference from when they were younger. He just stared at Gamzee with those huge inquisitive eyes, squinting up at him in the dark hallway.
    "'s dark. Is it really you?" He sounded a whole lot more in control than he looked, his body locked up and tense, dark eyes glistening.
    "Do you know any other Gamzees with hair like mine? If you do then I'd like to meet him, he sounds cool as fuck," Gamzee teased.
    "Oh, wow, shit..." Karkat whispered, his hand in his hair, looking at their shoes in a daze, swaying slightly. Gamzee put a hand on Karkat's shoulder, causing his eyes to flash up in an expression that Gamzee couldn't explain. "Do you want to sit down?" He offered.
    A dazed nod from Karkat. Gamzee looked behind him at the party raging on, strobe lights and music and colorful disco balls twirling around, not looking very private for a conversation. Holding his breath, he opened up a bedroom door behind Karkat to their left, hoping they weren't going to barge in on a couple trying to get away from everything.
The room was pitch black and silent. He flicked on the light, blinding himself momentarily, and found nobody in there. He widened the door and let Karkat in.
    He sank onto the floor while Karkat carefully sank onto the matress, the springs squeaking loudly. The pulse of music strummed through the closed off room dully. Muffled. He let himself to fully look at Karkat's face, and instantly regretted it.
    He was so beautiful. It's been 5 years and Karkat looked just as good as when they were 13, maybe even better given his matured state. His jaw and chin was more defined, stubble on his chin forming a goatee. His eyes had dark circles underneath and eyeliner framed the bottom lid, complimenting the color. His shaggy hair dipped between his eyes and stood up in every direction.
    "Where did you go?" He whispered, head tipped down, his eyes trained on Gamzee. His hands were in the pockets of his black hoodie, trying to hide the shakyness.
    "To Lolar," He whispered back, "Dad got a good position offer there. I tried to tell you but..." He trailed off, not even bothering to hide his dark tone.
    "I was avoiding you," Karkat mumbled. His eyes on the carpet now.
    "Yea, kinda shitty to do to your boyfriend, you know."
Karkat winced, "Yea, I know,"
    "You could've just broken up with me. I still would've been your friend."
    "I was going to, but by the time I decided to do it I heard you guys were moving away and I ran all the way to your house. I wanted to get there in time to explain and smooth things over in person, but you guys were already gone by the time I made it over," He was now looking at Gamzee sincerely with big, mournful brown eyes trying to convey his honesty.
    "You couldn't call? Or text?"
    "I deleted your number a few days after you stopped texting me. If I had known you were moving away I would've kept it."
    Gamzee leaned his head against the wall with a sigh. Cute as hell, stupid as fuck. They were both quiet for a long time, reflecting on that.
    "Are you dressed as a clown?" Karkat finally asked, a laugh on the edge of his voice. Gamzee lifted his head, grinning. "Better than whatever you got on. What are you supposed to be anyway? A ninja?"
    Dark eyes rolling, "A theif, like a robber or whatever," Gamzee snorted.     "Yea okay, mine is way better than that, I actually put in some effort!"
Karkat gave a small smile, studying Gamzee's face paint and polka dot pants, black with gray spots, and said,  "Okay, fine, but only 'cause I didn't actually care about my outfit,"
A.N. Soo...Gamzee obviously has some hardcore feels over Karkat still, poor guy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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