Part 8

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A.N. I'm so sorry it's been so long! I didn't know how to sign back in after I lost the app in my old phone ;-; But anyway, here's some heartbreak (/*-*)/
It's been a week, and Karkat had dodged Gamzee at every opportunity, deleting his number from his phone even. It wasn't very easy getting away from Gamzee either, because not only was he apparently clueless, but he was also persistent. Tavros would frown at Karkat from across the courtyard, and Karkat knew that Gamzee was most likely venting out to their mutual friend.
He was so exhausted emotionally, sputtered out and tired, knowing that ge couldn't keep this up before Gamzee caught him off guard. He had to break up with Gamzee himself, and the thought made his stomach hurt. Coward.
He ran a hand through his thick hair, getting shaky as he put on his shoes. He felt severe anxiety grabbing at him, making him feel nauseous. Then, without a second thought he was whipping out his phone and dialing a number. He listened to the hollow ringing on the other end, chew on his thumb nail. Then the person on the other end answered.
"Eridan, can I come over? It's kinda important,"
Eridan was eying Karkat from his plush, rolling chair. His thick glasses gleaming from his betta fish tank beside him as the little fish zipped around. He'd listened throughout the entire story, never interrupting.
"Kar..." He started, finally saying something after an agonizing minute. But his words had trailed off, his eyes concerning. Karkat swallowed a lump in his throat.
"You can't just ignore him Kar, he's your boyfriend, your best friend! I mean, it's gonna suck either which way, ignoring him or breaking up with him to his face, but you gotta do the one that you would want for yourself if it were you," Eridan's earnest eyes bore into the smaller boy across the room, making him squirm.
"That sounds like something I would tell you, all honest and deep,"
"You're not the only one around here with good advice, you know. Although, to be honest a lot of that came from Kanaya when I was having problems with Fef," Eridan's hair fell into his eyes and he pushed it back, leaning towards his window, peeking through the blinds.
"Aw shit, it's dark as hell out there, do you need a ride home? I could ask Cronos to give you a lift? He likes showing off that ruddy car anyway," he said.
"Yea, that'd be great, actually, if he could," Karkat picked up his phone from the floor, and followed Eridan across the hall. Cronos, as predicted, was more than willing, saying he had Kankri's psychology notes anyway.
When they arrived at the Vantas house, Kankri's note in his hand, Karkat found his shirt being grabbed by the youngest Ampora. "Seriously Kar, you gotta talk to him," Eridan said softly, his light brown eyes furrowed. Karkat gave a nod, and hurried inside.
He slamed the front door closed and tried to hurry upstairs past his dad. Naturally, he was caught. "Kar, where've you been all day?" He asked, coming into view from the kitchen. He was wearing his Crab Daddy apron, which meant that he was cooking dinner tonight. Mr. Vantas was as nice as busy, single fathers went when dealing with two teenaged boys, (which was a lot, if you were wondering just how much), so Karkat wasn't nervous to explain that he had spent the evening with the Amporas.
"What happened to that Makara boy that you were around with all the time? Weren't you boys a thing?" The concerned fatherly tone was send guilt throughout Karkat's stomach all over again.
He began easing up the stairs, holding up his hand with Kankri's notebook in it. "Sorry, dad, I gotta make sure Kan gets his school notes before I forget!" And then he was racing up those stairs in a flash. He banged into his bedroom, making Kankri jump in his bed in surprise.
"Try a little harder to give me a heart attack, why don't you?"
"Okay, I'll do better next time," Karkat tossed his brother the notes, before flopping onto his bed. He closed his eyes, trying to clear his head. He could feel the eldest's eyes on him, so he cracked a peek, irritated. "What?"
"You seem stressed. Which is weird since you don't got much to stress about anyway, considering that you're only 13." Kankri was packing away the notes into his backpack, and Karkat sighed. "Is it about Gamzee?" Why did everybody already know that was the first problem?
Karkat shook his head, and waited for their dad to call them down for dinner. He just wanted this day to end and go to sleep.
A.N. pretty soon we'll be fast forwarding to when the boys are in high school and Kankri and Kurloz are college boys, so hang tight because that's where it gets good!

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