Chapter 9

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Bri Bri! Come take a ride with us. Tray smiled coming through my door.

How you even know I was up? I asked taking the covers from my head.

Cause yo black ass don't never sleep.

Whatever where we going?

Few stops you down or what?


Hurry up meet me outside! And be quiet yo daddy girlfriend home..

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. I got up from the bed and put on a pair of black sweats and a black hoodie and my timbs. I left my phone here and snuck out downstairs and out the back door. I got in some car with my brothers and it must of been another stole. Quan pulled off and headed towards downtown.

We pulled up to the water. It was lit out here. Everybody was drunk and smoking. We got out and enjoyed the party. I knew a few people. All my brothers friends was like my friends so we was having a good time. Quan gave me a cup straight henny. Loud music played in the night time air as laughter. We was so drunk and high the cold didn't even bother us.
A car pulled up and my brothers moods instantly changed. "Yooo!" Trey said getting Quan attention. He nodded his head and we followed him to the car.

Yo Bro you gotta drive! Wuan laughed giving me the keys.

What nigga? I don't know how to drive I can barley see over the steering wheel.

Welp you gone learn today lil nigga! Trey laughed. "This pedal to go, this pedal is yo break. Step on yo break and pull this shit righ here back to put it in drive and park now drive!" He laughed. They was so fucked up, I was too but I had more sense.

Look I got something for you! Quan said reaching up under the seat. He pulled out a Glock 19 and gave it to me. "This you!".

For real? What's this for?

To protect yoself at all cost! No matter what. Sometimes we ain't always gone be here for you. I love you lil sister! Quan smiled.

I love you too big brother.

Ight now nough this shit pull off and get on the e-way that's the best way to learn to drive when nobody ain't out. Trey said reaching up to the front and turning the key, to turn the car on.

I stepped on the break and put the car in drive and the car started to move slowly. I was only 11 almost 12 and I can't believe they was teaching me to drive right now. I was driving slow as hell. Quan passed out and Trey was still drinking. He told me where to go cause he wanted to hit a couple licks. Said he knew a few houses so we did.

I pulled up to this house. Look like a bunch of rich white folk lived in this area. "Come on lil nigga!" Trey said jumping out the car. We got out and walked to the trunk, I put my gun on my hip and so did he. He grabbed a crow bar out the trunk and left it cracked. I followed him to the backyard and I broke into the house with him following me. He knew exactly where to go so I followed. Lucky for us no one was home. He found a safe and cracked it. We took almost 6,000.

Look this 6K , 2 fa me, 2 fa you, and 2 fa dumb dumb sleep in the car.


Grab this jewelry we can get something off this.

We got up out the house and back to the car. We pulled up to another spot and got two tvs, 3k and a Rolex. Trey was sober enough now so we put Quan in the back seat and I got in the front. He pulled up to a 24 hour pawn shop, got rid of the tvs, the jewelry, and the Rolex. Nigga gave us 21K for everything. We got in the car and broke that down to 7 a piece. Plus the 3k from the second house made it 8 than the 2 from the first house me and my brothers was sitting on 10k a piece tonight. I never thought I could have so much money at this age.

Trey pulled up to the house and Quan woke up.

Fuck we doing back here? Quan asked taking a sip from his cup.

Nigga we just made bank while you up in here sleep.

What y'all make? Why you got my baby sister out here, you got yo gun on you?

Nigga 10k a piece here! Trey through the money at him making me laugh.

Yeah I had my shit on me....

Oh Ight, cool! He said as he answered his ringing phone. "Yo?!"
Yooooo them niggas at the spot let's go get that.
He said getting off the phone.

Shit Ight! Trey said.

Hold on let me put this in the house then. I put my money in this small black pouch.

Yeah take my shit too. Trey said. Quan handed me his. I ran to the backyard and stashed the money in the shed under some shit. I ran back to the car and he drove off.

He pulled up to some trap and they told me to stay in the car with the car running. It was going on 4:30am. These niggas was taking to long. I got out the car and they started to run towards me with they guns out. Shots went off and Quan slipped and another nigga was quick behind him. I pulled my gun and pulled the trigger twice. I hit him in his leg and in his chest. I was shocked as he fell to the ground face first. Quan got up running to the car. Trey pulled me in and sped off. I sat with my hands staring at the gun in my hand. The car was silent. Quan reached in front of me and took the gun from my lap. He wiped it off and put it under the seat.

Your okay! He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

Flashing lights sparked behind us as we got off the e-way. "Fuck!" Trey yelled pulling over.

Act cool! Y'all we good. Quan said. "Pull over T!" "If any damn thing. Bri we was picking you up from downtown you tried to run away from home you changed your mind. You used a random person phone to call us and we came to get you. That's the story stick to it Bri you don't know shit after that we was in our way home don't say shit!" Trey pulled over the car and took a deep breath. I was still too frozen. Two officers approached the car and I put my head down twiddling my thumbs.

License and registration please! The officer asked Trey.

Hey officers, uhh this my Aunty car...

That's funny cause this vehicle is coming up stolen. Can you step out the car please. Everyone out the car! He said aggressively. He pulled open the door yanking Trey out. The other officer yanked Quan out.  Two police cars pulled up and I was taken out the car. A officer put me in handcuffs and my brothers. My heart was beating so fast.

Is that fuckin necessary? Quan asked pissed off yelling.

Shut the fuck up! A cop yelled at him as they searched the car.

What's your name? A cop asked me coming over to me. All I could think of was them finding that gun. If they did then I would be charged for murder. I swallowed hard.

Look what we have here! An officer laughed. As he pulled drugs and a gun from under me seat. We all looked at each other. If it ever a time I was scared it was now.

Who does this belong too! An officer asked laughing. "If nobody answers I'd have to charge the one that was sitting in this seat. You don't even look like your a teenager yet! You wanna tell me who this belong to?" He asked coming over to me.
I looked at Quan than at Trey. I took a deep breath. If I get charged with this I could use my YO if they get charged they are doing hard time.

Since nobody wanna say anything. Let them go and charge lil lady here with this here gun. The lieutenant said.

There was just a shooting on Glenwood and Walden a kid found dead on the sidewalk. An officer said coming over to the lieutenant.

It's mine! It's my gun. Quan bursted out.

Book them all!

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