Chapter 174

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Chapter 174 - "Let's move you to a different place. I worry about what my mother will do." (2)

Li KangYi, of course, refused to believe that. He was upset and felt that he has been wronged. He walked quickly out of Qi Shan's office and busted into the boss's office.

The ruckus that he has caused startled many. None of them dare to appear gossipy upfront but all of their ears perked up, listening closely to what was going on.

And, sure enough, they were able to hear what was going on.

Li KangYi was so emotional that he didn't even close the door behind him. His angry voice could be heard clearly from outside of the office. "Why am I fired, Boss? Just what have I done wrong? I have worked here for 5 years. Never mind about all of my accomplishments, I am at least a hard worker. Not to mention that I am the one who found your son for you!"

And the bomb was dropped just like that!

The assistants in the office next door exchanged looks with each other. They couldn't believe what they have heard. Their boss has a son already? Wasn't he still single?

Even though Jiang MingYuan never looked very approachable but, owing to his look and status, many girls in the office were fond of him, especially the assistants that worked closely with him.

The few female assistants exchanged a look and they could see disappointments in each other's eyes. One of them let out a loud sigh, collapsed onto the desk, and said, "And another good man gone."


The more major the gossip, the faster it spreads. Li KangYi was now well known around the office. When he was finally thrown out by the security, many even came to watch.

Li KangYi was thoroughly embarrassed himself in one day. He was sad and angry and felt that he had been played. Not being able to get an answer from the boss, he thought of someone else.

He made another call and it was finally picked up after over 10 rings.

Gu MingLi sounded very impatient, "What is it that you want now?"

Truth be told, she really hated these people. All of them were like white-eyed wolves. They did you a small favor and wanted to ask for unlimited returns. There was no way for them to be contented. Unfortunately, her son didn't understand that and kept on acting against her wishes.

"Mrs. Jiang," said Li KangYi as he tried to maintain his last shred of calmness and not to sound too blunt. "Didn't you promise me a promotion?"

"Yes, I've said it already. You want to be a director in one of the subsidiaries. What else do you want?"

"Said it? Then why did the boss fire me?!!!" Li KangYi screamed. His voice was normally on the high-pitch end and it was even worse when he raised his voice.

Gu MingLi quickly pulled the phone away from her ear. She wasn't happy about it either. She didn't show much emotions on her face when he was angry as she didn't want to have more wrinkles than she already did. Worried that she might not be able to control herself, she even straightened the area between her brows with her hand. Finally, she brought the phone back to her ear and asked, "You said MingYuan fired you?"

And the high-pitch voice came over the receiver one more time. Gu MingLi, suppressing her anger, finally found out what had happened. "Okay, I got it. Hang tight. Let me go talk to him."

Hanging up the call, she dialed Jiang MingYuan.

Jiang MingYuan wasn't surprised to be getting this call at all. He put her on speaker and kept on working.

"You busy with work right now, MingYuan?" No matter what the situation was, she would always start with sounding like she cared.

Jiang MingYuan acknowledged her with a grunt.

"Don't always work so hard. You need to try to have work-life balance and take a break in between working." After she had gone through her usual script, Gu MingLi finally brought up what she wanted to talk about. "I've heard that you've fired an assistant. What has he done that upset you?"

"Does giving out my information behind my back count?" Jiang MingYuan chuckled but there was only cold sarcasm in his voice. He didn't bother beating around the bush but said point blank, "I don't need a subordinate who pledged his loyalty elsewhere nor do I like others meddling in my decision on hiring and firing. So if Mom is trying to put in a good word for him, I suggest you to not bother."

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