Chapter 95

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Chapter 95 - A Day at the Amusement Park (3)

Jiang MingYuan's car has been customized and the back was very spacious. He even has a child's safety chair there and XingXing was latched in the minute he got inside of it.

The little kiddo was quite curious at the beginning and touching and looking at this and that, asking Cheng Huan nonstop, "Mom, what is this?" Most of the time Jiang MingYuan would field the questions for her.

XingXing's super strong curiously stopped some 10 minutes after he had gotten into the car. The child's safety seat wasn't all that comfortable and XingXing felt restrained. He cried out loudly that he wanted to get off.

Neither one of the two adults agreed to it. This was the first time that Jiang MingYuan was able to spend time with the child legitimately so he really wanted to leave a good impression. He patiently held XingXing's hand and tried to reason with him.

Yet XingXing was just a child. He wouldn't really reason with you but would just cry when he didn't get his way. Jiang MingYuan was a bit stumped and looked to Cheng Huan for help.

Seeing his look, Cheng Huan's lips twitched a little and she gave XingXing a look.

The little kiddo could read his mommy's look very well. He stopped crying as soon as he saw her look. Feeling unjust, he pouted and said to Cheng Huan. "Mommy, I want to get out of this seat."

"Sure," Cheng Huan nodded. "But then we won't be going to the amusement park anymore."

XingXing paused for a little and, studying his mother's look closer, he knew that she wasn't kidding and finally kept his mouth shut.

He debated long and hard between getting out of the car versus going to the amusement park. Finally his desire to go to the amusement park won over.

XingXing wiped his eyes and said to Cheng Huan, "Okay, I won't get off then."


Seeing how Cheng Huan was able to resolved that with just a few words, Jiang MingYuan let out a sigh of relief. Looking at Cheng Huan, he said to her. "You are so much better at this."

The amusement park was packed with visitors on the weekend. Most of them were families.

The three of them walked down the path and XingXing, being in the middle, held onto both his mom's and the "uncle"'s hand. They looked very much like a family of three. XingXing didn't feel that anything was wrong about it. Both his heart and soul were completely on the amusement park. He pointed at a tower structure and said loudly to Cheng Huan, "Mommy, look! It's the Magical Tower!"

"Does XingXing want to go inside of it?"


"We can go inside soon," said Jiang MingYuan to him.

Jiang MingYuan had purchased the tickets in advance and now they could just go inside of it. XingXing ran straight toward the Magical Tower as soon as he got inside of the amusement park. Naturally with Cheng Huan and Jiang MingYuan following behind him.

The Magical Tower was a 7-level tower with each level telling a different story.

One didn't need to walk inside of this tower, they just needed to ride on a little train. The workers there gave them their supplies. XingXing put his glasses on, steadied it with his little hands, before he turned and looked over at Cheng Huan. "Mommy, how do I look?"

Even with the kid's glasses, they were still a bit big on him and it covered up half of his face. All one could see was his mouth. Cheng Huan took a look and said in a perfunctory way, "Looks great."

"You look great too, Mommy." XingXing responded right back. Turning his head and noticing Jiang MingYuan, he gave him the same spiel. "You look great too, Uncle."

The little train started as he spoke. Feeling the movement from the train, XingXing quickly turned back around.

The scenery changed in front of their eyes. The tower that was dark inside had turned into a different world.

Cheng Huan saw a flower bud in front of her eyes. It has giant leaves and there was a drop of petrichor on its pedal. An insect climbed up on it from the ground, all the way to the tip of the pedal and accidentally fell into the petrichor.

The flower opened up right away and they could smell the flower in their noses. The moment that the flower opened up, a roar from some sort of beast came from afar and a giant foot came over and squashed the flower in the matter of seconds.

XingXing let out a "Oh!", obviously startled.

Cheng Huan reflexively reached out to pat him on his back but, as she reached her hand over, she felt someone else's hand. It was warm and the fingers were long and slender.

She had no idea how she could think that about someone else's fingers in such a fleeting amount of time. Cheng Huan removed her hand and she could see Jiang MingYuan turned and look at her from the dim light. She nodded at him and curved her lips upward a little.

He seemed to have given her a smile as well.

When the little train finally went all the way up to the 7th level then came back down. XingXing had experienced dozen or so stories and he was so excited that his little face had turned red.

After walking out of the Magical Tower, XingXing pointed at a different building.

"Mommy, let's go do that one next!" 

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