Chapter 89

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Chapter 89 - He said to her with a smile, "Miss Cheng, is now a good time?" (3)

Cheng Huan was just debating if she should make one more pancake but gave up the idea after she heard what XingXing had said. XingXing ate too much and his stomach didn't feel good. Cheng Huan gave him a digestive pill before she told him, "Go stand over there for a while to help with your digestion. Don't bounce around now."

"Oh." XingXing, not feeling very well because he had over ate, didn't feel like bouncing around anyway so he stood to one side as Cheng Huan has requested.

Now that XingXing had finished eating, and the porridge in the pot was pretty much done, Cheng Huan unplugged the pot and scooped out half a bowl for herself. That and the half of the pancake would be her dinner.

As she was eating at the table, XingXing gazed at her and he started drooling again.

"What are you eating, Mommy?" He reached out his neck to look. Staring at what was inside of Cheng Huan's bowl, he said, "I want to have some too."

"You can't have any." Cheng Huan wouldn't even give him a look. She ate a shrimp and said, "You have already over ate. Now you need to digest some of those food."

"I can eat more."

"No, you can't." Cheng Huan turned and gave him a look. "Because I said so."

The little kiddo pouted a little and was about to walk over. He was stopped by Cheng Huan raising her voice at him. He was afraid and finally stopped moving closer but just looked as hard as he could in her direction.

Cheng Huan finished her dinner and went to do the dishes. When she was done, she dried her hands and walked back out. She rubbed XingXing's stomach and, seeing that it wasn't as rounded as it was before, asked, "Still feeling uncomfortable?"

XingXing shook his head.

Cheng Huan asked again, "Will you do that again next time?"

XingXing looked at her but did not respond.

"What did Mommy tell you when you wanted to eat more? I said if you eat too much now you won't have room for more delicious food, but you didn't listen, right?" Cheng Huan didn't have much of an expression when she said this and she looked very solemn. "Then you have an entire pancake and Mommy told you again that you will feel sick if you eat more, but you still didn't listen. Do you know what you have done wrong now?"

XingXing pouted and said, "But I was hungry."

"You weren't later on, but you kept on asking for more."

The little kiddo still didn't say anything else, but his raised head started to lower slowly.

Having been pampered for a few months, many little problems seen commonly in kids were starting to surface, like gluttony.

She didn't know where he got the idea from but, a while ago, he started saying that he wanted fried chicken every day. He'd fuss over it every time he remembered it. When Cheng Huan refused to get him fried chicken, he even said that Mommy didn't like him anymore.

And then there was today. She had a moment of weakness at first. Then, see how he was fussing, she decided to teach him a lesson so he'd remember it.

XingXing kept his head lowered and, slowly, reached out and grabbed one of Cheng Huan's fingers.

Cheng Huan carried on and said, "Every time you can't have your ways you say Mommy doesn't like me anymore. Does that mean you don't like Mommy anymore when you don't listen to me?"

"I like Mommy a lot!" said the little kiddo immediately.

"But you don't listen to me."



"I'm sorry." As though he had made a big decision, XingXing finally said those few words. He looked up and there were tears on his eyelashes. "I will listen to you from now on."

"It wasn't that Mommy didn't want you to have certain food because they are expensive, but some things are bad for you. It hurts Mommy's feelings when you say that Mommy doesn't like you over every little thing." Cheng Huan sighed and wiped away the tears on XingXing's face. "Let's go. You need to have your bath."

XingXing nodded and sniffled. Then he followed behind Cheng Huan.

The mother and son quickly made up after the little incident. By the time Cheng Huan has bathed and got into bed, the two were already back to normal.

XingXing laid in bed and Cheng Huan was reading a story for him. The little kiddo fell asleep before long. His limbs splaying in all directions as he snored away.

Cheng Huan took a look at him and adjusted the blanket over him. She then turned the light off and laid down in bed. Listening to the rhythmic breathing next to her, she wasn't able to fall asleep. There were too much in her mind.

She wasn't able to fall asleep till well into the night. Cheng Huan was worn out by the time she was woken up by the alarm clock.

She washed her face with cold water to wake herself up and woke up XingXing after she had finished preparing breakfast. She tried calling Hu TianHua again when the little kiddo was having his breakfast but still nobody picked up.

Cheng Huan felt very irritated but, alas, life must go on.

After breakfast, she took XingXing to school.

It was bustling as usual outside of the kindergarten. Cheng Huan handed XingXing over to his teacher. The two of them had spent so much time together in the last couple of days that Cheng Huan sighed when she watched XingXing walked farther and father away. She then turned to leave.

As soon as she had turned around, a car pulled up next to her. Its window rolled down and the handsome face that she just saw yesterday and had poked at many times in her fantasy appeared inside of it.

Looking at her and with a slight smile on his face, he said to her, "Miss Cheng, is now a good time?" 

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