CH. 8 Deal!

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Halloween was coming around, so Isabel prepared a special project. We were going to make plaster masks. While she explained the instructions, I zoned out. The past few days had been a little strange for me. Word got around that Lori was not coming back. People were coming up to me, giving me their condolences as if she had died. That gave the chills.

As if I were ready to officially see other people, a girl asked me on a date this morning. It caught me off guard since it had been a very long time since that happened. I said no. Before that, other girls were giving me the flirty eyes. I made sure to make it very clear that I was not interested in dating anyone for now.

I needed my space. Some time before getting involved romantically with someone else.

"Pick a partner," Isabel dismissed. "Then choose who will go first today," she added.

Kayla leaned in to me, "Is it okay with you if I pick Jasmine as my partner?" she asked. Having no problem with that, I nodded. Jasmine looked too intimidated to ask anyone. I guess Kayla wanted to help her out. Pushing through other girls, she made her way to her.

I didn't know who to go to. Usually when it came to partners, Kayla was it. In other classes when Lori was here, she was my partner always. This made me miss her terribly. Saddened, I put my head down. It didn't take long before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked up to see Isabel looking down at me with a smile on her face, "No sleeping in class," she teased. "It appears like everyone has got themselves a partner," she pointed out as her eyes wandered around. "Except for you," her eyes met mine. "But do not worry, you can help me with the demonstration," rather than invitation, it sounded like a command. "Bring your chair to the front of the classroom and lay newspaper underneath and around it," she instructed and walked off.

As told, I went for the newspaper, just like everyone else was doing. Letting it fall, I covered the floor. It made me wonder how messy this could get. Minutes later, Isabel came back with bandage plaster and scissors. She placed them on the long table nearby and motioned for me to get them.

"What do you want me to do with them?" I stared at the bandages.

"Cut them into stripes," she requested. "I'll be right back," she walked off again.

The rest of the girls got started. Not too excited about the project, I sat down and began cutting the bandages into stripes, in all sizes. Shortly after, Isabel came back with a bowl of water. She directed her attention to the class. "Make sure that you have warm water," she reminded.

A girl raised her hand, "Will this get too messy?" she worried. "If Ms. Lawson sees stains on our uniforms, then we'll get detention."

Isabel sighed at the mention of Ms. Bitch. "Do not worry about her," she brushed off. "If anything happens, I'll take full responsibility. Just do as told and have a fun time," she gave a smile. Next, she motioned for me to sit. "Tie back your hair," she handed me a hair tie. When I was done with the ponytail, I felt her hands on my shoulders, putting something on me. A towel to cover my neck and shoulders. It made me feel like if I were at the salon.

"Is this going to take long?" I asked because I was not so good with staying still.

"Depends," she grabbed petroleum jelly and got some on her fingers. Again, she spoke to the class, "This is very important, do not forget to apply this on your partner's face," she reminded. I could imagine how painful it would be to pull off the mask if it weren't applied. It could even destroy the mask. She focused. Her fingers slid on my face, applying it very gently. This was like a spa, ah, I loved it already. Feeling relaxed, I enjoyed the way that her fingers slid all over my face. After she was done, she asked, "Ready?"

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