CH. 18 Stranded

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Today was the last day before winter break. A week away until Christmas. How exciting. The Christmas spirit was in everyone. How could it not be if there were Christmas decorations everywhere. A Christmas tree out on the courtyard with white lights. A little naked though since grandpa didn't want the decorations to be too dramatic. Did he not understand that it all had to be over the top? No mistletoes were allowed on campus.

Grandpa definitely had something against romance.

Since today was the last day of classes, I came to Isabel's classroom to check up on her. All her class activities were interesting and entertaining but it would be good if today we did absolutely nothing. I was only going to suggest it to her and see what she thought.

If only she were here though...

Waiting for her got me feeling all dehydrated. Seriously, I needed something to drink. I ran out of the house without eating breakfast. I knew that I should have listened to my mom when she told me to at least drink the orange juice. I regretted not doing so. Now, here I was, praying for a water bottle to magically appear on my desk. I searched all throughout the room but Isabel had no drinks laying around.

My mouth was so dry and the desperation of wanting something cold running down my throat was making me all anxious.

That's it, I was going to call Isabel and ask her if she could please bring me something to drink. I would leave the room and get something myself from the cafeteria but I did not want to get caught by Ms. Bitch. Knowing her, she would keep her eyes on me the whole time to make sure that I wouldn't pull anything since today was the last day before winter break. If I got caught by her, then I wouldn't be able to come back to the classroom.

I waited for Isabel to answer. Many rings were heard. I sighed when she didn't answer and I had to leave a message. "I'm waiting for you! Hurry up, I'm thirsty!" I scoffed. I then realized what I just said. "Thirsty as in I want something to drink... like I want coke or Pepsi, whichever is good," I chuckled out of embarrassment. Where were my manners? "Please and thank you," I added in order to be polite and hung up.

There was a knock at the door. It couldn't have been Isabel because she had the keys. The only way that I got in was because I snuck into my grandpa's office and stole the extra key to the classroom.

Quietly so the person would not suspect of me being in here, I made my way to the door to check who it was. I sighed out of relief when I saw Kayla. I opened the door and let her in.

She chuckled, "I knew you'd be here," she went straight to her desk. Weird to see her here since we didn't have this class until way later.

"Why are you here?" I locked the door before following her.

"Because we have not finished talking about Lori and you," she brought up.

Oh, that's right. Ever since a few weeks ago when we slept together, things had been weird. It hadn't happen again and I was not sure of what was going on. We weren't back together but we kind of were. Not really since I was still hooking up with Isabel. So yeah, Lori and I were not back together. Something still lingered though. But we never seemed to talk about it. We practically pretended like it never happened.

"What is there to talk about?" I wanted to avoid it as much as I could.

Kayla shook her head in disbelief, "About why you and Lori are being dumbasses about the whole thing," she was beyond frustrated with the situation. "You clearly love each other, so act like it!" she believed.

"Do we?" I questioned.

Her eyebrows arched, "Nikki, what are you saying?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, forget about it," I dismissed what I just said.

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