CH. 10 Meow

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When you've spent Halloween for the past three years with the girl of your dreams, whether being in a relationship with each other or not, and she's gone for that holiday, the day tends to feel overwhelming. Friends being away for others plans makes it worse.
Today did not feel like Halloween. It felt like any other day. Fuckin' Lori, ruined the holiday for me. Still loved her though.

My parents were going all out this year. Prepared a maze tent sort of thing. Brought friends over to help them with the haunted maze. Seemed cool and all but I did not want to be home for it. Too many people were going to come over. I did not want to be put on candy duty. Handing out candy was not exactly how I wanted to spend the day. Mainly because after going out trick or treating, obligated by Kayla, Lori and I headed back to my house to hand out candy. Therefor, I wanted to avoid that so that I wouldn't constantly be reminded of her.

The perfect distraction was Isabel. Going to her helped me a lot when I thought about Lori and that was a lot.

I knocked on the Isabel's door.

The door opened. Isabel's eyebrows arched when she saw me, "Hey?" she was visibly caught off guard. "You didn't tell me that you were coming," she stayed at the doorway.

Either way, I invited myself in, walking past her. "I know but eh, I figured it was okay," I turned around to face her.

Isabel held the door open, "You cannot just show up unannounced."

"Okay, I'll remember that next time," I made myself comfortable on the couch.

Seeing that I was not going anywhere, she closed the door. "Nikki, not to be rude but I was actually on my way out," she said all while gathering her purse and keys. I definitely had to leave. I don't know what I was thinking by coming over. I should have known that she would have plans, especially today. I stood up and walked to the door. Isabel walked behind me, ready to leave as well. "Sorry, it's just that I haven't bought candy to hand out tonight," she explained.

Opening the door, I stopped at the doorway, "Wouldn't it be fun if I went with you!" in reality, I was only joking, I wouldn't want to go. Catching on, she laughed while shaking her head. "What? We can hook up but it's not okay to buy Halloween candy together?" I teased.

"You sure are something else," she laughed softly. Strangely flattered, I shrugged with a grin and turned to leave. "Not so fast," her fingers grasped my wrist, "you should come with me," she invited.

My eyes flickered, "I was joking..."

"I'm not stupid, I know but it might be interesting," she shrugged, as if it was nothing to stress about. Hanging out was so different from what we had been doing. "Unless you do not appreciate my company," she used as an attempt to steer me into accepting her invitation.

"If I didn't then I wouldn't have come," I replied, considering going with her. For one part, I did not feel like going to a store packed with irresponsible people who were shopping at the last minute. For another part, I did not feel like going back home with all of the chaos. "What the hell, yeah, I'll go with you," I decided on.

"If it feels mandatory, then don't go," playing offended, she let go of my wrist and pushed me out of the doorway to close and lock the door behind herself.

I laughed, "Really, I want to go," I followed closely behind her as she led the way out. Pretending to not be over it but not caring at the same time, she walked with her chin up. It was dumb, so I moved on past it. "One question, isn't it a risk to be seen together?"

"Oh no, how can I possibly be so stupid to be taking you where familiar faces could spot us together?" In sarcasm, she replied flatly. I rolled my eyes at her. "Where we're going, no one we know will be there," she assured.

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