Chapter 2

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Reni and Emi reached Alex's home around four-thirty, after getting off the bike Emi excitedly ran towards the door and rang the bell.

Reni looked at her daughter and can't help but chuckle. She herself also got off the bike and parked it.

She reached beside Emi and the door opened revealing a smiling woman, and a grinning Alex.

As soon as Emi saw Alex, she ran inside with him.

Reni looked at the woman and said "Cara, we are meeting after so many days"

They both hugged each other lightly.

"Why don't you come inside?" said Cara.

"Oh, no,Today I have work to do so sorry but I promise I will stay next time" said Reni in a hurry as she saw that it was only twenty minutes left till five.

"Take care of Emi, I will come to pick her around seven" Reni said giving Emily's small bag to her.

"Oh, no, I met her after so much time, she is not going anywhere before eight" Cara told her.

Reni knew that persuading her was just a waste of time so she just said "Ask Mike to send her back around eight"

She then went away, after Cara said Ok.

After Reni was gone Cara came inside the house and winked towards the three children who gave her a toothy grin in return.

Cara left the children to play in the living room to get them some snacks.

When his mother was gone Alex said "I invited one more friend of mine, his name is Sam, he will also be here soon"

Kiely nodded but Emi just gave a sneer. Even though she was a kid she knew that this boy doesn't belong to their school but was from some upper class families that Alex and his family always hangs with.

"What should we do till he comes?" asked Kiely .

"Let's draw and show it to aunt to find out who draws the best" said Emi.

"A competition, you are surely going to be the last Emi" said Alex arrogantly.

Emi smirked at him "Let's see who will be the last and the loser will have to do anything the winner says"

Emi's smirk made Alex uneasy as he slowly nodded his head having an intuition that things are not gonna go well.

Kiely just nodded as she knew for sure that she is not gonna lose.

"What should we draw?" asked Alex.

"Your dream home?" asked Kiely unsure.

Alex and Emi both nodded and started drawing.


Reni reached the hospital five minutes earlier and was really proud of herself.

She first went to Mike's cabin.

"You are early as usual" said Mike as he saw her.

"As I always say 'You should be puntual', you know you should also learn to be puntual, you always arrive five minutes later then the asigned time" she replied.

"Reni, it's just five minutes, it's not a big deal" he retorted.

"Yeah, no big deal, can you stop your breath for five minutes then I will believe that it's no big deal" she said putting some more files on his table.

"Sometimes I really doubt that am I really the boss here or is it you?" Mike said in a playful tone after all they were best friends and only she has got the right to nag him like that, all his life even his mother has never scolded him.

"You are the boss here, sir, Anyway bring Emi back home around eight ok" she said to him.

"Oh,why?" he complained.

"You can ask about this to your sister who insisted that Emi is not gonna leave her house before eight" she smiled at him and went to her office.


Reni has almost seen all the patients for today and was about to take a break, it was still six thirty so she opened her phone to see the comments on her story that she has just updated yesterday.

There were still one or two appointments left but the patients has not yet arrived.

As she was about to open one comment her phone started ringing.

Reni frowned at the name that flashed on her screen, it was her mother who was calling.

'Calling me out of nowhere, what does she want again' she wondered as she clicked on the accept button.

"Hello, Reni" A sweet voice came from the other side.

Reni scoffed at her mother's acting "Mom why did you call".

"Aren't you even going to greet your mother whom you have not talked to since God knows when" her mother yelled from the other side.

Her frown deepened and her mood was getting worse.

"Mom, what do you want" she asked again in an indifferent tone.

Mrs. Willows sighed at the other side of the phone "Are you coming home this weekend?"

"No" she gave a simple answer.

She can hear the commotion she stirred on the other side of the phone with her reply, but dispite that her mother sweetly said "Reni, you know you should come, we are going to have a family gathering, even your younger sister and brother have came home for this"

"You can bring Emily too, it has been ages since I have seen that cute child's face."

Reni raised a brow at her mother's sugar coated words. She sighed but agreed, after all Emi would like to visit her granny.

"So it's settled, come home Friday evening so we have a good time to play and chat" her mother said before disconnecting the call.

Reni slouched into her seat as she sighed while thinking about the troubles this visit can bring in her peaceful life.

For some reason she was getting the feeling that something bad is definitely gonna happen.

Soon it was time to go home, she bid her farewell to Mike and again reminded him to pick up Emi from his sister's home.

She first went to a grocery store to buy some vegetables and then straight home to cook a hearty meal for her daughter.

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