Chapter 13

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Reni looked at herself in the mirror, staring at the reflection of herself that she was seeing. She looked just too different from her usual appearance.

Well, it was really not makeup that changed her appearance as the make up was used in very small amount and by that it means almost negligible. Either way make up never suited her, with makeup on she looked even uglier then she really is.

The clothes she wore with the accessories and her hair styled in a beautiful bun made her look really different. She now looked like someone who lived a luxurious life which was totally wrong.

Even though in others eyes she might look good but to herself she didn't liked how she looked and also not the reason why she was dressed like this.

Those who guessed it congratulations and those who don't, today was her wedding, the goddamn wedding,to think of which she wants nothing but to strangle every person who put her in this but the thing is that she can only think about it, she can't do it.

Reni sighed as Eva entered the room with a smirk adoring her face. Emi strutted behind her and immediately a smile made its way on Reni's frowning glossy lips as she picked Emi up and put her on her lap.

"WOW, mommy looks so beautiful in this dress! soo different from usual" Emi exclaimed as she looked at Reni in the mirror.

"Why would she not look beautiful, after all this dress was chosen by your dad" Eva responded.

"Dad's choice is really good!" Emi exclaimed.

"So why don't you let your dad choose all your mommy's clothes, then she will look beautiful everyday"

"Yeah, you are right aunt Eva" said Emi nodding.

Reni looked at her daughter who was saying yes to every nonsense her friend spoke.

"So you are saying that I look beautiful just because of the dress?" Reni asked Emi with a pitiful look on her face.

"No, no mommy, when did Emi said that, you look beautiful in everything you wear, it's that the dress looks beautiful on you" Emi said panicking, the little girl can never see her mother upset, if you made her mother upset she will be coming for you.

At her daughter's words Reni looked back at Eva and pulled out her tongue.

"Sister, it's almost time, do your finishing touches" Nathan said, poking his head into the room for a second and then went away.

"Emi, are you ready?" Reni asked the little girl on her lap.

Emi looked at herself in the mirror and said "My tiara?"

"Oh, it's in my bag, in your aunt Kells room" Reni said putting her down so she can go and take it.

After Emi was gone Eva spoke "I never knew that you can be manipulating"

"What do you mean by that?" Reni asked confused.

"You are manipulating the innocent Emi"

"It's not manipulating but saying the right thing, so you know even if you both are somewhat partners in crime but I am her mother who knows about her the most" Reni smirked.

"Ok, ok now lets go, they are waiting"


Rheuss stood beside his friends talking when the songs changed and the bride entered along with her bridesmaids.

Kelly and Eva were smiling as they accompanied Reni to her nightmare.

As Rheuss looked towards his bride,his breath got hitched in his throat, it was like the noises around him has all stopped and the only thing that he can hear was her footsteps and the only one he can see was her .

So simple and so elegant beauty infront of him. The dress perfectly fit her and it was his first time seeing her with make up but it still looked like her, the girl he saw a few days ago when they went shopping.

"Bro, Bro" Dylan brought his brother out of the trance.

"Bro, breathe, sister in law is going to be yours only so don't show the expression like you are seeing her for the last time" Dylan shook his head, his brother was really behaving like a puppy in love just now.

Rheuss coughed at his brother's words.

"Well, My sister in law looks really more beautiful up close" Ethan said taking pictures but his phone was snatched away by Erik who glared at him.

"And that's you wife Erik, isn't she, she is also beautiful, I now get why you don't let me visit your home anymore" Ethan continued.

Erik smacked him at the back and dragged him out of the venue.

Reni stopped in front of the stage,the was nothing special but just a simple one. Confetti flew as Rheuss extended his hand for her to take.

Reni stared at the hand for a while before slowly picking her hand to put in his.

Eva rolled her eyes and quickly put Reni's  hand in Rheuss'.

Rheuss plastering the fakest smile one could guided Reni to the stage. Eva and Kelly were giggling behind as they also came up holding the rings.

On Reni's face was near to no emotion as the rings were quietly exchanged.

Emily happily stood on the foot of the stage clapping. She was really happy for her mother today, hope things will be alright. The little girl's only concern was her mother's expression which was just normal, if you know but these people might not think so.

The wedding ceremony ended soon and now they were headed to the reception party.

Reni, Emi and Rheuss sat in a limousine and headed to the reception venue.


"Emi,let me take all these accessories off of you, you must be really tired with all of them on" Reni said while pulling off the tiara from Emi's head and putting it back in her bag.

She one by one took all the accessories off of her and complained "That Eva I told her not to put so many accessories but she"

After taking off all the bracelets and the pendent off her daughter Reni combed Emi's hair and put it into a cute pony tail which went well with her frock.

Then her gaze fell on Emi's lips and she cursed "What the hell! Eva your are sure dead, let me meet you again"

She wiped the lipstick off her daughter's lips and also any other make up that has been put, then she pulled out a lip care and applied it on Emi's lips.

Next she pulled off Emi's sandels and put on the shoes she brought with her.

Rheuss just looked at the exchange with uninterested eyes.

"If you feel uncomfortable in this dress, we can change you into some comfortable clothes when we reach there" Reni said putting the sandels in a bag.

"No, need mommy, Emi is not tired but what about you, are you well" Emi asked worried about her mother.

Rheuss' ears perked up at this question,  he secretly glanced towards Reni.

He can see the tiredness in her eyes, it was like she was barely hanging on but the smile on her face said otherwise.

"Mommy is fine, you don't need to work up your little head" Reni said caressing Emi's little head.

"At the venue, you will meet Sam, you can play with him or you can just stay by mommy's side to give me company, have fun and don't hurt yourself" Reni told her.

Emi nodded her head and gave her mother a cheerful smile and put in some ear plugs to listen to some songs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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