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I used to believe that with each chapter I published out on my not so personal journal set the tune in which I perceived as the final straw, like a gift card solely written for the purpose of returning to that particular sender, but as true as it is I'm only realising how the depth of it actually cuts below the surface.

I initially began this journey with my own concept of self control as a naive teenager who had just met her first love merely five years ago which oddly seems like a long time ago.

He lit the stroke of creativity in me and a friend later encouraged me to publish my very first ever chapter.

I'm grateful to him. To all of the people who've inspired, maddened, probed and thoroughly tugged at my heartstrings. I learned to grow up through these words and it honestly gave me the impression that it wouldn't always be like this, and I was right.

It won't always be like this. Hence why I'm finally choosing to let them go, for real this time.

I don't know what life has in store for me, but I see them exiled from the very existence that comes from life itself.

Solace depicted from the morality of an epiphany as I'm better than all of this, —the peace that I'm willing to cling onto as long as I'm free from the burden of regrets in which I've never regretted.

So this is what turning twenty feels like?

...Promising Young Woman...Where stories live. Discover now