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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 12


It's true that time moves faster when there's happiness involved. It's been two weeks already but it feel like two days. I can never get enough of him. I'm getting to a point where I can't be with without him. He's intoxicating in a way I can't even explain.

I smile to myself before rolling out of the bed. His bed. No, we haven't done it yet. He was driving me around showing me the village when he got an emergency call. He had to bring me here and leave to attend to it. It sounded very serious.

So here I am in his bedroom alone. Gogo and his daughter are at church since it's a Sunday. I have to be gone by the time they come back. I don't want to, if I could spend the night here I would. I've been craving him for days.

The sound of the car outside brings me out of my daydream. A minute later he walks in covered in blood. I quickly rush to him. It's not his. I'm relieved "What happened?" He sits on the bed.

"Drunkards at the Shisanyama got into a fight, one got stabbed but he will be fine" I hate alcohol for such reasons "How are you?" his face softens. Such a gorgeous man.

"I was missing you" he chuckles.

"I was just gone for an hour"

"That was two hours" he smiles and stands up from the bed. He takes off the bloody t-shirt throwing it in the bin followed by his pants, he's left in his boxers. I can't look away. He's perfection.

How am I supposed to not touch him when he looks this good? How is that fair to me? I don't want to come out as a hoé but- "You're fine like that" I say when he picks a t-shirt about to put it on. He smiles and throws the t-shirt over his shoulder. He zips the jeans and comes back to me on the bed. I'm hot in all places, a soaking wet mess.

"Should I take you home?"

"No ..not now" I don't want to leave.

"Should I make you food?"

"No" I want him.

"Ok" he lies down on the bed and invites me to lie next to him. I choose his bare chest. His skin feels like silk under my touch. He's well built, muscles in all the right places. God the creator, you know how to show off sometimes.

"Does Thando's mom live around here?" I'm curious. Thando stays with him full time, it doesn't look like the mother is involved in raising her.

"She left. I haven't seen her in four years"


"She didn't want a child. After she gave birth, she left" such cruelty.

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I'm over it. Thandolwami is the best gift I could ever ask for" he says with a smile. He talks about her a lot, even though I haven't met her yet I feel like I know her. I just love how he loves his daughter "Do you want kids?" he asks

"I do. With the right man" he's silent for a brief moment.

"Do I fit in that category?" he has no idea he's everything I want. He's kind, compassionate, respectful, protective ...the list goes on.

"You do" I say with a smile. I'm laying in his bed and he hasn't fûcked me yet, that speaks volumes about the type of man he is.

"You're my right woman too" he says and I lift my face to look at him "a complete package" he adds smiling. He tucks my hair behind my ear and cups my face. A sweetness gesture of pure adoration. I blush and look away, my heart is doing things in my chest. This man is going to be the death of me.

We spend another hour talking and laughing about our crazy childhood moments. I thought I was crazy, he's worse "Thank you for making my Sunday" I say as we walk out of the house. Spending time with him has turned into my favourite activity.

"Next time I will introduce you to Gogo and Thando"

"Do you think they will like me?" we stop as we reach the taxi and I turn to face him "I'm not the usual Makoti she's used to" he chuckles and takes a step foward closing the space between us. His hand go around my waist pulling me more closer.

"It doesn't matter if she likes you or not, it won't change how I feel and my intentions" he says in a soft tone. He's close enough that our lips are almost touching "...you've stolen my heart Connie" he says softly before pressing his lips against mine. I melt.

He's soft with what he's doing, slow not rushed. He tastes just the way he did in my dreams, he's warm. He feels like home. I know this is where I should be, he's what I've been missing in my life.



He still remembers the route to take them he arrives KwaDukuza. He'll never forget. Most of his childhood memories were made in this farm. Oh how he misses those days, life was simpler then. He's grown now and there's a lot that comes with adulthood.

But he's here now. No matter how hard things were. Connie was his anchor. He motivated and pushed him all the time. He knows life will be better with her. They were always meant to be together.

He smiles as he parks the car in front of the house. There are more than 3 other cars in the yard, including a Quantum, has she turned into a taxi Queen? He laughs at the thought, anything is possible with Connie, she's very ambitious.

One of the helpers welcome him inside the house and directs him into the living room. She's about to get the suprise of her life. He can't wait to see his love.


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