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It's been three weeks since sipho was stabbed to death by an old woman. The news have been all over the media. Most people are amazed by the old woman's bravery of being able to stand up for herself. It striked heated conversations online, a lot of people voicing out their concerns about how unsafe their grannies are, how rapists alway get away with rape because the old women are afraid. After what Nomeva did almost all the grannies at the shelter started talking about the violation they went through. Most of them reported but they were never believed, they were called crazy.

When the news reached the department of health and social affairs, harsh measures were taken. The caretakers were fired. While the place is being renovated and reorganized, the old people were moved to a much better place. Nomeva is now a hero. For the first time in her lie she has done something good, not entirely but she brought a stop to an abuser who was never going to stop. She feels different, it's as if there's been a shift in her spirit. She allowed her grandson and Connie to bring her back home. She didn't act crazy, more than anything she's humbled. If she allowed them to bring her home when she left the hospital none of this would have happened. Instead she acted crazy trying to escape her sins only to end up in hell. Today she has blood on her hands.

It's a day before Gijegije's ancestral ceremony. The family is complete. She's seeing people she doesn't know. She feels out of place in her own house. Coshiwe and Gebhu arrived. They've taken over. Coshiwe is the elder that everyone comes to when they need something. She also heard Gebhu alongside Shibase will be leading the lobola negotiations which will happen next month. She's home but she feels like a stranger.

The sun is almost setting. The yard is buzzing with people already, mostly taxi drivers. The first cow was slaughtered and Mahlathini called all the ancestors inviting them to be present. Right now they are braaing the meat. Half of the cow will stay emsamo for the night. It will be left there together with traditional beer for the departed gang. Another cow will be slaughtered in the morning to feed all the people who will be present for the ceremony.

Nomeva sits on the porch watching everything happening in the yard. She spots Connie on her knees in front of Shibase and his friends. She has a plastic basin in her hands, they are washing their hands and begining to eat the meat brought for them. Saying she's amazed will be an understatement. Ever since she arrived Connie has been making sure she's comfortable and fed. Out of everyone, she's the one who cares more. She heaves a sigh and moves her eyes to where Mahlathini and his brothers are braaing the meat. She hasn't gotten a chance to have a deep conversation with him. He derves explanations, she wants to be close to him as they were before. It might be too late but she will put the effort. She will show him how sorry she is for the things she did.

"Are you still okay Gogo?" Connie asks her, she only understands 'okay' in what she just said, so she nods. Connie smiles and walks away. She's very active. Nomeva never thought she would be able to play a role of a Makoti but she's here doing it effortlessly. She has taken back all her assumptions and judgements she had for her. Mahlathini is well taken care of, he's happy. That's all she wanted for him. Thandolwami has a mother figure in her life, she has seen them together and they bond so well.

"Sisi" Coshiwe says sitting down next to her while complaining about her knees "How are you mtakababa?" she asks after she has settled down.

"I'm okay"

"You don't look okay" Coshiwe says with concern. Her sister has been isolating herself. She's not okay.

"I'm trying" she received therapy but it's hard forgetting what happened to her. Everytime she closes her eyes she sees Sipho. She can't sleep well at night.

"Please be okay, I know it's hard but I don't like seeing you like this"

"I will be okay" Nomeva assures her. Thando and Nhloso come calling for Coshiwe. She stands up and leaves with them.

Nomeva gets up and makes her way into the kitchen where she finds Vusi and Nokwanda kissing. She clears her throat, Vusi quickly walks out "I'm so sorry Gogo" Nokwanda says embarrassment evident on her face. These youngsters, they have no respect.



He's back KwaDukuza. He had no other choice but to return home and humble himself to his uncle. He's thankful to Thabiso who offered him a place to stay until he healed. Now he has to find a job. Going back to the Rank is not an option, he will be a laughing stock. He's already a laughing stock since most people know what happened to him.

He wakes up and gets ready to leave. At this point he will take any job. Even if it's cutting the grass or making blocks, as long as he gets money.

He's at the station waiting to take a taxi when  a black car stops. It is exactly the same as the one he stole. His heart stops at the thought of Mahlathini stepping out of the car and finishing him off. He swallows hard as the door opens, it's him. He sweats immediately.

If he could run he would but that will make things worse. Mahlathini finally stands in front of him. His presence is felt "I'm not back to bother you" he says to Mahlathini who's starring at him with a straight face.

"Bother me in what way?" Smiso is mute, he's only hoping he doesn't do anything."...If you come close to my family, I will kill you, do you understand?" Smiso swallows and nods. He has no doubt he will kill him. He's going to stay as far away from him as he can, he still wants to live and better his life, he doesn't want to die with nothing. He's going to work hard and stop thinking shortcuts are the way to success. He learnt a hard lesson, the one he will never forget it.



Her and the kids are living at Addis storage again. After all the shit she sad to Celiwe she didn't get the RDP. Celiwe told her to fokof and make sure they don't cross paths. Right now she has turned to Addis's wife. She has to clean the tuck shop, cook and sometimes sell when he has to go buy stock. If it wasn't for Celiwe she'd be sleeping in a comfortable bed eating viennas or maybe laying on Mahlathini's chest. She smiles at the thought, just to be held by him, she can only imagine how his raspy voice sounds in morning. She giggles hugging herself and smelling the scent of the t-shirt she's wearing which belongs to Mahlathini, she stole it. At least when she misses him, she will wear the t-shirt.

"Nobuhle!"Addis calls bringing her out of her daydream. She walks out of the storeroom leaving Constance and William playing.

"You cannot stay here anymore" Addis says while packing the snacks.

"What, why?"

"I'm selling the shop to Quantum" whose Quantum now?

"Please, Addis, I have no where else to go"

"I'm sorry, but you have to leave Tomorrow morning"

"Tomorrow?! such a short notice!" Nobuhle says wondering where the hell she'll go now.
"Yoh!" she's devastated. She can't go to any of her relatives, her mother will find out and beat her again. She clicks her tongue even thinking about it. At this point she hates MaTembe. What kind of a mother chases her daughter away? maybe she's not her real mother. She wouldn't hate her this much if she was.

The morning comes. She has packed her things and her kids are ready. She's wearing Mahlathini's t-shirt since all her clothes are dirty. She walks out of the storeroom with William in he arms and Constance following behind.

Quantum has arrived, she greets him and walks over to Addis who seems to be getting ready to leave. She has made her decision, she thought very long and hard about it "Addis take me with you" she says to the Ethiopian man who look at her confused.

"Take you where?"

"I will stay with you, I will be your wife" she says with a smile. The Ethiopian man is shocked "I will cook, wash your clothes, anything you want me to do for you, I will do it" Addis chuckles shaking his head "Please"

"I'm married, what gave you an assumption that I need a wife? I was helping you because you were homeless"  Nobuhle doesn't know what to say, now she has no plan. Addis walks away. He gets in his car and leaves.

"I want a wife" Quantum says smiling at Nobuhle with yellow teeth.

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