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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 45


After the ceremonies Mahlathini decided to  extend and renovate at home. The family has grown and everyone has to feel at home whenever they come. He hired a construction company to speed up the process since they have to start the lobola negotiations soon. The construction didn't even take the two months he expected. After 5 weeks they were done. To say the house looks good is an understatement, it was definitely worth every cent he spent. He's proud. Things are finally coming together. The doors that were closed are finally opening.

Today abakhongi are holding a meeting. They've sent the letter to the Morgan's and were given a date. Shibase and his group including Gebhu have been here since morning discussing on how they will do everything. It won't be as simple. The Morgan's know nothing of their culture, they have to make them understand most of the things that have to be done, all the customs.

"How much is the budget Ndodana?" Sengwayo asks Mahlathini who raises his face from the notes he's taking and looks at them.

"For the negotiations alone. I have a budget of R250 000" They all nod in satisfaction. It's more than they need. They will get all the 12 cows and take care of the other costs too. The Morgan's suggested they pay the lobola  in cash but they want to do things accordingly, they will follow the traditional way to avoid mistakes.

Connie and Nokwanda walk in with refreshments. They place them on the table and walk out. Vusi's eyes are stuck on Nokwanda until she disappears. When he looks back at the table Mahlathini is starring right at him. Vusi clears his throat and looks away.

After the meeting ends Mahlathini calls him to the side "Is there something you want to tell me?" he asks looking at him in the eyes.

"No" he says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"If I find out there's something we're going to have a problem Bafo"

"Nokwanda is old enough to make her own choices" Mahlathini chuckles.

"So there is something?"

"We're seeing each other"

"Does she know you have kids all over KZN?"

"We're just having fun Bafo, no strings attached-" Mahlathini closes the space between them. Connie walk in. Vusi quickly walks out.

"What was that?" she asks finally standing in front of him.

"Nothing just man to man talk"

"Really?" she wraps her arms around his waist "...man to man talk that leaves my man angry?" Jackson takes a deep breath. He's pissed. He's not against his sister having fun but men like Vusi are a no go zone. Vusi sleeps with anything and everything in the name of fun. He doesn't even know the door to the clinic or support the kids he goes around making.

"I'll be fine" he says and kisses her.

"Well, I'm not fine"

"Why, what's wrong?" she heaves a sigh.

"You and Gogo have to talk..." Jackson pulls away from her hold and sits down "...you can't avoid her forever Ngamela"

"I can, just like she lied to me for 30 years-"


"Connie... I don't want to talk about this, you said I should make peace. I did. And that peace means keeping my distance from her. Please. I don't want to talk about this again" Connie sighs dropping her shoulders in defeat. Nomeva is miserable, it's sad. Connie has tried all she can to cheer her up but she's not succeeding. She's losing weight everyday. Mahlathini doesn't even greet her or ask how she's doing, it's killing her.

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