King of My Heart

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We arrive at  the restaurant Travis rented out, and he parks the car.  He has the biggest smile on his face, the one that can light up a room. He comes around to my door and opens it for me.  "You ready?" He says, his smile growing even bigger. God he is perfect. "Of course, I'm so exited to meet all of your teammates!" I say matching his energy. He takes my hand and he guides us in. One of his hands interlocked with mine and the other on the small of my back. I look up at him and smile. I am very tall, even taller wearing heels. But Travis makes me look small. 

We get to the big double doors and he pulls it open, letting me in.  In a world of boys he is a gentlemen.  We step inside the already crowded restaurant and I see many people I have met. He takes my coat and hangs it up. "Do you want a drink beautiful?" He asks and I blush at his words. "Sure!" I say and we start walking to the bar. 

We get there and we see Brittaney and Patrick ordering drinks. "Brittaney!" I say and give her a hug. Out of all the people I have met she has been the best, so welcoming and kind.  "Taylor!" she says hugging me back. Out of the corner of my eye I see Patrick and Travis talking and laughing. Brittaney and I pull away. "Pat this is Taylor, Taylor this is Pat." Travis says with a smile. "It's nice to meet you!" I say with a smile. "You too! Brittaney told me all about you! I am a big fan! I loved your concert!" He says. "Aww thank you so much!" I say. 


I introduce Taylor and Pat. Pat still doesn't believe I'm dating Taylor, even though I told him back in July. Pat is one of my bestfriends, he gets me and what I have gone through. He is hilarious and I love spending time with him.  Taylor and I have been keeping our relationship for the first couple of months on the down low, but now since we know each other we have nothing to hide.  "I still can't believe you put Trav on the map, I though he had been kidding. Then I saw you in the box today." Patrick says. Taylor laughs and they exchange jokes.

Taylor, Pat, Brittaney, and I talk for a little while. When our conversation ends Taylor and I order drinks. "So, what can I get you?" I ask. "Can I please have a vodka cranberry?" She says. she is the best she is talented, beautiful, and funny. How did I get so lucky? "Of course, I'll go order it." I say. Taylor starts talking to one of my teammates and I go and order the drinks. I stop to talk to Trent real quick.  Trent is over the moon about our win today and the fact I'm here with Taylor Swift. "Dude how did you pull Taylor Swift?" He asks and I just laugh. 


I am talking with one of Travis's teammates and his wife. They are hilarious. His name is Chris and he is a DB, whatever that means. He is telling me stories of Travis and football. I don't understand football to well even after Travis explained it to me, but his stories are still hilarious. 

"Hey having fun?" Travis says, coming up beside me. He hands me my drink. "Yes so much fun! Thank you again!" I say. 

Travis and I make our way around talking to many different people, some I recognize from the box and some I don't. I look down at my phone, it reads 1:47. Travis looks over at me, he gives me a look to see if I'm doing alright. I give him a reassuring smile. I am having a lot of fun, Travis has been making sure I have too. Checking up on me, introducing me to people. He isn't afraid to show me off, he is proud. 

Towards the end of the night, Travis and I sit with Patrick and Brittaney on one of the couches. Travis sits down and I sit next to him. "So you two having fun?" Patrick asks us. "Yes it has been loads of fun!" I say with a smile. Travis pulls me tight. "Yeah we have had a great night. Have you two?" He asks smiling down at me. 

Everyone starts to leave. Travis and I are one of last to go. 

We walk towards the door and Travis grabs our coats. He helps me get mine on. We walk outside into the cold night air. It is around 2 in the morning at Kansas City is asleep. We get to the parking lot and see my security. "I hope you had a great night beautiful." He says with a big smile. "I did! Thank you so much for being so great tonight. You, your teammates, and everyone I met was perfect. I had one of the best days today." I say. "I'm glad! I hope you can come to a game soon. I loved watching you with Mom today." Travis says. He is the most caring and thoughtful person.  "I'd love to!" I say. 

Travis guides me to my car. I see my head of security standing outside of it. When we reach the car, I give Travis a hug. "Thank you again." I say. We pull apart and he opens the door for me. "Anytime beautiful." He says before closing the door. I sigh once the door is closed. How did I get so lucky? Travis is the best, so kind and talented.  I just want to spend the rest of my life with him. 

I look down and see a message on my phone. 

Travis: Good night! 

My heart melts. 

A/N: I am so sorry for not uploading recently. I have been very busy. Thank you to evryone who has read and supported my story. I can't believe 300 people have read it! 

Taylor Swift is the TIME person of the year! Travis WSJ article was so cute. The packers game. they are so cute. 

Again thank you to everyone! Happy holidays! I will try to upload again soon! <3

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