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Hey everyone!!! I hope you are doing well...
So in last update I set a target for 5 votes but no one voted. It feels like you guys are not liking the story. If that's the case then tell me in the comments for once and I will stop writing...

Happy reading 🫶

I entered her room and saw her crying face again and somthing twisted inside my chest, a foreign feeling of consoling her entered my mind.
I ordered the servents to leave while looking at her
When they left I took a step towards her and she step back unknowingly, I didn't like that .
I told her 'stop crying' and she was looking at me like I'm gonna murder her, so afraid.

Before I could've said anything else there was a knock and I stepped back and my grandfather entered and said that he wanted to talk to her alone....what the fuck did he want to talk to her about alone???? He gave me a nod and I left unwillingly but not before looking at her.

I'm in my home office and my grandfather is sitting in right front of me. It's been one hour since I left her room.
"What do you want?" My voice cold as I asked looking at him dead in the eye.

"Always straight to the point, I see" he said smirking.
"Remember when I told you that you have to accept my one condition in exchange of the inheritance of RUSSO EMPIRE. I have decided what I want you to do." He said,
That doesn't sounds good and he that menacing look on his face like he knows that I will definitely not like his condition, but he knows all too well that I'm can't deny it.

"You are going to get married to Hazel in two weeks." He said with a smirk.

"And if I don't want to?" I asked

"Then you'll lose all the inheritance and the position of future CEO" that fucker he knows that I have worked my ass off from more than a decade.
"Let me know your answer by next morning." With that he left my office and I was fucking angry. How can I marry that girl she looks so pure and innocent that sometimes I wanna ruin it, and I'm everyone's deadliest nightmare.
Well, I'm fucked. My only hope is that she will say no to this marriage.
She HAS to.

I knocked at her door twice and then entered, there I found her with red swollen eyes like she's been crying nonstop. 'Who cried that much.'
"I want to talk to you." I said with cold voice. And she looked at me, before she could've say anything I started again "Tomorrow morning my grandfather will ask you to marry me, and you will say NO. It doesn't  matter how much money he offers you for marrying me I can promise you twice of that amount. But you will not agree to this marriage, and if you do you will see the worse of me. And believe me when I say that you don't want to see my worst side."

Her eyes held tears when I was done, I don't give a shit right now all I want that she never agree for this stupid marriage. I left her room immediately without looking at her

Sorry for short chapter. It's just I didn't feel like writing because no-one is voting or commenting I'm a new writer so I need a little motivation from people.
I'm not advertising this story anywhere not even on Instagram. So this is the only platform where I publish my book or anything about my book.

Here I'm hoping you guys will vote🥹
Target 5 votes


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