16. say yes to the dress

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chapter sixteen: say yes to the dress

tw(s): philip banks (i hate that man)

★ ━━━ ADAM BANKS SHUFFLES his feet across the marble tiled floor of an art gallery in Edina. His father asked- no, demanded- that the two of them search for a birthday gift for Angela, who is known to be a large patron of the arts. However, Adam observes, with the paintings his father has been considering, it is more likely that this is just being branded as an act of service to someone else, when the truth of the matter is that this will only be Philip's preferred painting, with his preferred style, with his preferred frame, to decorate his preferred wall of the house.

Adam approaches a lovely oil painting, a contained mess of blues and whites and pinks, of a young woman in a nightgown looking into a mirror and brushing her hair. Simple, but beautiful, and a reflection of Angela's life. It is perfect.

"Hey, Dad. How 'bout this one? I think it's gorgeous," Adam calls out, beckoning his father over. 

Philip scrunches his nose, scrutinizing the painting and shaking his head subtly. "No, I don't think so. I think it's rather ugly, actually, when you look more closely. Maybe you should leave the executive decisions to me."

"I think you're just visually challenged," a delicate voice abruptly echoes from behind them. "I feel sorry for you."

The father-son pair turn around, faced with a young blonde girl with curled hair falling loosely over her shoulders, her face stretched with disappointment.

"Leslie," Adam murmurs.

Leslie continues. "It's so elegant, and the girl looks very charming when you look from afar, but her reflection in the mirror looks rather sad, wouldn't you say? Lonely."

"Yes," Philip mutters. "I suppose so. Run along, Adam. I think this is the one."

Adam blinks. He's never seen his father so easily swayed before, and by just a few words, too. He spares Leslie a glance, and her gaze is cast to a blank wall on the other side of the gallery.

"Is there a fascinating painting over there that I'm not seeing?" Adam boldly asks, stepping timidly towards Leslie.

Leslie whips around just as Adam nears her a little too much, somehow sensing that he has penetrated her boundaries. She tilts her head, inspecting his face, and decides to be completely honest. "Sometimes, Banks, staring at emptiness is far more preferable than facing something unpleasant."


Leslie turns around abruptly, her eyes meeting his for a split second before they dart away. "I really must be going. It was...it was good seeing you, Adam. I hope you enjoy the painting."

"Yeah, thanks. I will."

He watches her leave.

★ ━━━ "NO, I DON'T think so, Lou," Phoebe groans, fiddling with the hook of the hanger, holding the dress in front of her face. She grimaces at the sweetheart neckline, something her begrudging person never liked, simply because the name was too romantic. "It's much too frilly for my taste. And the flowers. Lou, it seems very much like you're shopping for yourself."

✓ 𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now