•Road Trip•

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User: Josie_Zegrasoffical

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User: Josie_Zegrasoffical

Caption: Can you tell they hate sitting in the back with me?

Tagged: Luke_Hughes, Jack_Hughes


Luke_Hughes: Sitting on the other side of you is a blessing.

43_Devils: So is she going to the game?

Love_Josie: When are you going to post more figuring skating photos?

Jack_Hughes: ATLEAST your a good phone rest.
Josie_Zegrasoffical: woww I'm hurt.
•Josie's Point Of View•

As we all got into the car everyone found the seating arrangements. We were driving into New Jersey for Luke and Jacks game, Trevor and Quinn surprisingly had no games the day of the game but as soon as it was over they have to fly back out to their home rinks. I have figure skating practice in New Jersey the day after the game, and I begin to start my preparations for the competition. I practice in the devils rink, Our team had to move rinks due to us getting a new coach. I am currently trying to find an apartment that suites me but I haven't really given it much thinking my parents home is only around 30 minutes away and isn't that far of a drive.

The car was packed, the trunk filled with hockey bags my figure skating bag being crushed. Quinn was driving with Trevor in the passenger sleeping, Luke got the left window seat , I got the middle seat, and jack got the right window seat. My legs were draped over jack and my back against Luke's figure. They were in pre-game mode, Jack had his AirPods in and was listening to music thinking. Luke on the other hand was passed out asleep.

I drifted off into my thoughts, on the lake, Jack and my stupid fucking brother. It just so annoying the stupid rule Trevor placed when we entered Highschool has me so fucked up. At the age of 14 I was told that any of the Hughes brother were off limits for me. At the age 16 Jack made a promise to me, well more himself but he's kept it's ever since. He told me that he would never ever let anything hurt me again and he helped me calm my breathing. That day he was never supposed to find me there, I get really bad panic attacks before competitions and he's the only one who has ever calmed me down. Since then I have known that Jack Hughes was it for me. Since then we have had tiny interactions like at the lake. We have never acted on our feelings out of respect for Trevor. Although I have a feeling it that change soon, we're adults now and I can make my own decisions.

"You there Josie?" Quinn asked as he watched me in his rear view mirror.

"Yeah just thinking" I smiled up at him.

After that I drifted off into deep sleep and we made our way to New Jersey.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 h o u r l a t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I stirred out of sleep as we pulled into a gas station. Everyone seemed to be following in my steps as I hear a few yawns and then my least favorite voice speak.

"I bet there are so many hot Jersey girls here" Trevor spoke with such certainty I let out a laugh.

"I'm sorry, at an old run down gas station."

Everyone else in the car laughed and nodded in agreements before we all filed out of the car and began to stretch out our limbs. Quinn, Luke, And Trevor headed into the gas station and left me and Jack  by the car standing in silence before he spoke.

"Can we talk after my game?"

I smiled at him and nodded.

"You know basically half the world thinks we're dating" he laughed at me before smiling.

God his smile.

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing?"

"Maybe it isn't such a bad thing."

After that silence began to drift away as Trevor came out the store pouting and Luke and Quinn followed after that, dying of laughter.

"What just happened?" Jack asked

"Trevor's store of hot Jersey girls consisted of a gay male hitting on him and called him the cutest hockey player ever."

I broke out in a laughing fit before Trevor threw my watermelon sour patch kids at my head and I began to laugh even more, that followed by Jack, Quinn, and Luke doing the same.

We all filed back into the car and began to get comfy before continuing to the rink.

Trevor handed me my Dr.pepper before I opened it and took a sip. We all fell back into comfortable silence as we drove down the roads.

At the end of the day these people beside me will forever and always be there for me, and I can't thank them more for that. I truly think I wouldn't be who am I today without them, would I have done figure skating?

Finally the car pulled up into the rinks parking lot and everyone in the car began to tense up Jack and Luke got quiet and grabbed their bags. Everyone always stops talking on our way to eachother games you can feel the nerves boiling. The fear of the other person or people playing or skating and getting hurt.

Quinn and Trevor walked Luke in striding for the locker room the camera people blasting them with photos, me and Jack walked in together while thousand of flashes were token after we made our way to the door.

"Are you going to be okay finding your seat or should I walk you there?"

"You're about to get on the ice and play a game and you're worried about my seat?" I smiled at him, this boy is truly the sweetest man on earth.

"I'm always worried about you Josephine" he joked

"Whatever loser, good luck at your game I have to head the other way."

He smiled and walked off toward the locker rooms as I head to Quinn,Trevor, Jim and I's seats.
Thank god it's almost winter break. I have two more days left of school and it sucks.

Word count: 1024

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