Chapter thirty seven

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“You are back, finally,” Ethan said when he saw his son walk into their house.
“Oh, Steven, I am so glad you are okay,” Sarah, Black Wind pack’s Luna rushed and hugged her son, sobbing softly as she held him.
“I am fine mom,” Steven said, holding her to comfort her.
“Gerald,” Sarah sniffled.
“Don’t worry mom, we will save him, I promise you. He would return back to us, you have my word.”
“Sweetie, don’t worry, Gerald would join us again soon,” Ethan said and the woman nodded and finally let go of Steven. Ethan walked up to them and kissed her hair. “Go take a rest darling, you have been so stressed lately. Steven, take a walk with me.” Sarah nodded and left for her bedroom while Steven stepped out of the house with his father. “So I presume you have been with the vampire prince?”
Steven nodded as a response.
“How is Aliyah, they have found her?”
“That night or should I say morning. Didn’t High alpha tell you?”
“He did, I just wanted to ask.” Ethan sighed and they walked for a while in silence. “You must be happy, the high alpha has reinstated your title as the future alpha, I know I am. At least, the title won’t be living our family any time soon.”
Steven smiled. When he walked into the pack this morning, he had received the very respect he had been denied for so long now. Even Tom had come to catch up with him, like he was just going to forget about everything and the things he said to him and how he avoided him for the last three months. “It feels good, I won’t lie and it only made me happy taking the decision I did that night.”
“I’m proud of you son. But tell me the truth, why did you help Aliyah? You couldn’t stand her before, I mean, you clearly rejected when I told you in her pack to befriend her so that she can choose you as her mate.”
“I helped her because it was the right thing to do dad, nothing else was attached, the rogues and deranged nightwalkers attacks told me something you all didn’t know, it made me trust my friend the more. If the witch was right with what she said, why were the rogues still attacking us and most importantly, why were there suddenly deranged nightwalkers? I knew instantly that we all made a mistake killing the vampire prince. I helped his mate because I felt we owe her that, if we hadn’t teamed up to kill her male, she wouldn’t have been a fugitive, and right now, I am happy that everything is righting itself.”
Ethan nodded in support, by then they have gotten to what used to be his mother’s garden but now, no plant was alive as everything was a ghost of what it used to be. Steven sighed seeing that, his mother had devoted her time and attention on this garden and now look at what it had become, and no thanks to the constant attacks they had gotten in the last days. “You have been in the palace all this time no doubt, what is our fate, how is the prince going about stopping all these and most importantly, when can your brother be treated to come back to us?”
Steven sighed as he realized he had nothing to say. Edward had not said a single thing about the attacks or the rogues or even how to go about finding the fake demon king and the witches. All he does was stay by Aliyah’s side when he was not looking after his son. The man was living like only he and his family existed. The leader of the high chief had showed up last night and it was only because of Rasmus pleas that the man left with his head still attached to his body. Edward care not about what is going on and he also heard from Rasmus that other demon clans are now fighting for the throne. As far as he was concerned, the only difference with Edward’s revival is that no pack has been attacked again and Aliyah is no longer a fugitive.
“Well?” Ethan asked when the boy said nothing for a long time.
Exhaling, Steven ran his fingers through his black hair, his black eyes meeting his father’s before he shook his head softly.
“Oh God, so what is the purpose of his revival if he is not planning of helping?”
“As a matter of fact dad, Prince Edward has not forgotten that we teamed up and killed him.”
“But he is alive now.”
“Is he?”
Ethan frowned, “what do you mean by that?”
“Dad, I admit I have never spent enough time with the prince to be able to claim to know him but both Sean and his long-term servant including the witch Irene, has all said he is not the same. According to them, Prince Edward would never turn a blind eye when the nightwalkers need help but now, even though the deranged nightwalkers are roaming about and infecting innocent ones to the point that they are all afraid to travel and feed, the prince has not been bothered and when the high chief leader Malachi showed up last night to tell him about it, he almost killed the man. As it stands, I think we are alone in this fight. The only hope now we have is Aliyah, but she has been unconscious for the past five days and no one knows when she would wake up. Catherine said she is okay and that she just needs to recover her strength but then…” he sighed.
“If the situation is like this, then why did you make the promise you made to your mother just now. How can you be sure that Gerald would be okay when you know the prince isn’t thinking of helping?”
“I made a promise to mom about Gerald not because of the prince or anybody but because I trust myself and I know that I will never rest until I return Gerald to his senses. He is my brother, dad, and I will do everything within my power to bring him home.”
Ethan sighed, “you know, for some reason, I believe you.”
“Thanks dad and don’t worry, when Aliyah wakes up, I am sure that she would bring the vampire prince back to his senses.”
“We can only hope on that,” Ethan responded.
“Edward,” Irene called as she barged into a room where Edward was sitting and reading a book while watching over his sleeping son. He raised his head and his eyes flashed red at her intrusion but Irene announced her news immediately, “Aliyah is waking up.”
Hearing that, Edward stood up immediately and dropped the book he was reading on the chair. He stormed out of the room.
Rasmus and Sean caught up with Irene in front of the door and they all went to Aliyah’s room together. Pushing open the door, Edward stepped in to hear a soft moan and when his eyes went to the bed, he saw the girl rubbing her temple and squeezing her eyes shut. He went to her and sat beside her on the bed, grabbing her hand in his. His eyes went to his mark on her neck and just then, he felt the light in his grow stronger and it was then he believed that she was finally back to him. “Hush, don’t worry, I am right here and no man, demon or whatever creature he is can hurt ever again,” he whispered, “relax now, I will fight for you.”
At his soothing words, Aliyah calmed down and her eyelids slowly fluttered open. At first, she couldn’t make out the face in front of her and when she finally did, she sighed, “have you come to torment me again?”
Edward frowned at that, “torment you? Why would I ever do that?”
“Please Edward, it’s hard dealing with your loss but every night you come to my dream and give me false hope that you are coming back and when I wake up, you won’t be there. I know that you are trying to comfort me but I would really appreciate if you stop coming to my dreams, I want to heal Edward. We would be having our son soon and I want to be here to look after him, to protect him. I know I will never get over you but I need to stop believing in non-existence miracle.”
Hearing all she had to say, Edward only leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips, when he sat back up, he looked deep into her eyes, “did that feel like a dream, or perhaps this?” he elongated his fangs and leaned to her neck, sinking his fangs on his mark to renew and strengthen the bond. Feeling the electricity that came with that, Aliyah’s eyes widened in shock and when the man finally sat up once more, tears had clouded her vision that he was almost a shapeless blob. “Is it really you?” she whispered.
“I told you I will protect you in this lifetime, I am honoring my promise,” he replied.
Aliyah couldn’t get any words out anymore and just sat up on the bed and buried her face on his chest. Despite the pain she felt or how dizzy her sudden action made her, she didn’t care and only sobbed uncontrollably in his arms. “I thought I will never see you again, I thought you abandoned me.”
“I will never abandon you again, Mariah, not in this lifetime or any other lifetime. That is my promise to you.”

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