Chapter seventy nine

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Everyone gathered in the garden hushed when they saw the man carrying a woman dressed in white walked out of the door. They had purposely had the burial at night so that Nightwalkers that would love to attend would be able to without worrying about the sun.
Edward walked on the aisle that has been carpeted with white roses down to a white coffin with golden embroidery. At the top of the coffin was a statue of a white wolf with the most piercing blue eyes. Having lived as long as they did, some of them had a good craftsmanship and they have all agreed to make the beautiful coffin for their beautiful queen.
No one said anything but there were tears in the Night Howlers eyes as they watched Edward carry Aliyah to the coffin with a stiff face. Everyone present knew that the task was hard for him, after all, he had lived with the corpse for three months now.
Scarlet wiped the tears on her cheeks and turned to hug Alan, she couldn’t watch anymore. From the moment she had opened her eyes in the panic room to see Irene in front of her, muttering what she couldn’t understand, she had felt it instantly that something was wrong. And when Irene helped her up and she saw the damage in the panic room and the sad faces of her mate and Beta, along with the Elders, she knew it deep in her bones that something had happened to her daughter. 
After all, she could remember vividly that half of the pack had been wolves and that Alan had fallen out of the window with the deranged rogues hovering over him. All hell broke lose when she left the panic room and saw the chaos that was now left of her beautiful pack. She had tried to stay strong, picking up her duties as the Luna immediately to settle the pack and help calm everyone as the workers got to work in fixing the pack. Throughout the months that Edward had refused to have a burial, she had found herself having hope that maybe she would wake up, after all, why would Edward keep her corpse if that was not the case?
But now, seeing him carry her to the coffin with that blank look in his eyes, she finally had her breakdown because it now means that she had truly lost her daughter. Alan hugged her and tried to calm her down while dapping at the tears on his own cheeks as he tried to stay strong for the both of them and the rest of the pack.
“He finally decides to do it,” Beruka said with a sigh.
“I am finding it hard to let go too,” Vertimon confirmed. “I wish I have gotten more time to get to know her. She seemed to be a very nice girl.”
“She is a nice girl,” Maleeka said. “Now I found myself wishing that I have spent enough time with her when I had kidnapped her. Perhaps I would have gotten a good memory of her,” she shrugged.
Idrissa sighed and said nothing, watching the man that was placing the girl inside the snow white coffin. He himself wished he had gotten to spend some time with the girl. It’s not everyday you see someone willing to sacrifice themselves to save others. 
Edward placed Aliyah inside the coffin and sighed. His hand slowly caressed her hair and he tried to keep in the tears in his eyes as he gazed upon her beautiful face. She had become paler than usual and her lips were dry and black. He reached forward and grazed her lips, wishing that he could hear her say his name one last time. If only she could just murmur his name, he was sure he would hear. He just wants his name to be the last thing he heard her say.
Everyone could see the reluctance in his eyes and Sean turned and walked away. Monica followed him immediately, balancing Asher in her arms as her mother was holding Anita. “Hey,” she called to him immediately, grabbing onto his hand to stop him. “It’s your last respect to her, you shouldn’t walk away.”
“I can’t stand being there anymore,” he shook his head, wiping away the tear that rolled down his cheek forcefully. “I told her I will always protect her. That I will always be by her side.”
“And you did, Sean, you did. I used to be jealous of the way you always protect and treat her. I used to be jealous of the way you always choose her over me. Sean, everyone knows that you would die for her and no one can say that you never protected her. But this was how she protected you too and this is her dying for you. At first, I have always wondered what you see in her and why you always rush to her rescue. But now we all know why, we now understand and no one blames you for not trying. You should understand that this is different from your past life Sean, now she died a heroic death. Look at everyone that showed up for her last respect. Look at the lives she saved, mine included. You shouldn’t feel this way Sean, you should be proud of her.”
“She is right,” someone said and they turned to see Damien walking up to them. He placed a hand on Sean and smiled, “you are the best brother she could ever ask for and she is proud of you, we all are. And now that we are finally here, perhaps I should tell you already.”
Sean frowned and wiped away a lone tear, “tell me what?”
Damien smiled and softly caressed Asher's black hair. “This is the next High Alpha of our people and with such heavy task, it would be wrong to dump the responsibility of a big pack like Blue Moon pack on him and so therefore, the elders and I have been talking and we have decided along with Alpha Alan of course, to make you the future Alpha of Blue Moon pack.”
“What?” Sean and Monica asked in shock at the same time.
Damien smiled and without another word, turned and went back to the funeral. Sean and Monica stared at each other in shock before going back to the burial and when they did, his eyes met with Alan’s and even though the man's eyes were red with tears, he smiled at him. 
Sean couldn’t believe what was happening and his eyes scanned around till it landed on Steven who was standing beside his father as the leaders of the Black Wind pack and he raised an eyebrow at him seeing his shock expression before mouthing “are you okay?”
Sean only nodded once before his gaze went to his father who seemed to be oblivious to what was happening. He decided to keep his emotion in check till the burial was over even though he wondered why they had chosen him. It was a big shock on him. Never has he ever thought himself as an alpha, not for once and now he is suddenly going to become one?
Edward leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Aliyah’s cold lips and saying softly but was still heard by everyone, “I love you and I always will.”
Irene covered her mouth hearing that and she couldn’t keep in the happy chuckle that escaped her lips. She knew Aliyah would be so happy to hear that because the girl had always wanted him to say that. Rasmus smiled and hugged her to himself, joining in her joy.
Edward kissed Aliyah’s forehead then and stood up. He knew he needs to stay strong for her and their son, he knew that was what she would want him to do and so he swore to always look after him and protect him even when he would be old enough to protect himself.
The more he looked at her, the more he wants to pick her up and walk back to his room. However, he knew this was the right thing to do. She deserves to be laid in rest and so he grabbed the lid to cover the coffin when he heard a soft whisper. “Can I hear it one more time?” he paused, his hand stiffened as he glanced behind him but everyone was just looking at him and no one seemed to have heard what he did.
He frowned, maybe he has longed for her so much that he was even hearing her voice. Heaving a sigh, he turned and continued with his task of covering the lid when he heard it again. “Please? Just one more time, I loved hearing you say it.” He let go of the lid then, hearing the surprised gasped of the people behind him but he knew he wasn’t going crazy. He was able to hear his son's heartbeat when it has not been confirmed she was pregnant and he was certain that he heard her speak to him now.
He leaned over her, ignoring the worry murmurs of the people behind him and stared at her intently. At first, he thought his eyes were playing a trick on him when he saw her eyelids flicker but then he saw that her lips were now getting their rosy color. His heart was thumping loud in his chest as he slowly caressed her cheek only to gasp to feel that it was now warm and was turning red slightly. “Aliyah,” he whispered, his voice trembling with excitement and nervousness. 
“Say it one more time, please,” this time he saw her lips move and the tiny smile on her face and he chuckled happily with a little edge of nervousness. 
“I love you and I always will,” he repeated, knowing that was what she wanted to hear.
“One more time?” she asked and this time, he laughed. A joyful laugh that resonated from his chest to his whole being. 
Everyone stared at each other, wondering if he has gone coo-coo but they soon heard him loud and clear saying “I love you, more than my very life itself,” and they didn’t know if they should be awed or worried about his mentality.
Sean wanted to go up to him but Monica held his hand, “let him have this moment.”
Edward watched with a happy smile now as Aliyah opened her eyes and he saw the bluest eyes looking at him with love and it felt like a feather caress in his heart. “I love you too,” she said and he chuckled teary eyed before leaning now and kissing her like his life depended on it.
Having heard the feminine voice from the coffin, everyone was now stunned as they watched the man kissing someone and then fair hands rose from the coffin and circled on his neck.
“Pinch me, I think I am now hallucinating,” Sean said, not believing his eyes.
“Then I think we are both hallucinating,” Monica said as they now saw Edward carrying a very much alive Aliyah out of the coffin.
“What is happening?” Someone asked but none of them could point who asked as Edward turned to them with the brightest smile and Aliyah was smiling in his arms as well.

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