Chapter forty two

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“How do you feel, Eric?” Alan asked the next morning in the pack’s clinic.
“Like my heart was almost burnt to ashes,” Eric answered.
“I’m sorry about that, it’s a good thing that you are still alive, it would have been quite painful to lose you just after getting you back,” Alan said. “What do you remember apart from last night?”
“I can remember the fight and the pain of the poison taking over me. After that, I don’t remember anything anymore apart from a voice asking me to get Aliyah. She was a constant snow-white wolf in my mind and I could smell her presence. Last night, I was led by her smell and that is all.”
“But somehow, she had managed to transform you back, taking off the poison from you and returning you back to your senses. How did she do that?” Aton wondered aloud.
No one said anything for they can’t begin to explain the strangeness of it. It wasn’t helping with the fact that they have not seen Aliyah since last night but the good thing was that Asher was in the pack and if he was there, it means she could come back and soon, after all, her son needs his mother.
“Natasha,” Alan called and she shivered hearing the tone of his voice. “Care to explain what happened last night?”
“Alpha…” her father rushed to say on her behalf.
“I am not talking to you Lionel, let her answer for herself. Natasha, I am talking to you,” Alan ordered.
“I’m sorry alpha, it was a mistake. He had looked at me like he recognized me and I saw it in his eyes that he wanted me to open the cage. I-I…I thought he wanted me to stay with him, I didn’t think that he would have sprinted out immediately the cage opened,” Natasha explained with her head lowered.
“Do you have any idea the calamity you would have brought upon our pack with your recklessness? Can you stop to imagine what would have happened had Aliyah not able to change Eric? Do you have any idea what prince Edward would have done? Take a look at what he almost did to Eric when there was no damage and imagined what would have been the fate of our pack if…” Alan sighed when he saw that the girl was closed to tears. “I understand your pain, you felt like your mate needed you and you wanted to be there for him. However, Natasha, next time, I hope you would think about today and the future of the pack before doing anything reckless again.”
“Yes alpha,” she nodded.
“Thank you alpha,” Eric said and their parents thanked him as well.
Before Alan and Aton could leave the clinic however, the door was thrown open and a young boy barged in, “alpha, they are back.”
Alan and Aton glanced at each other before leaving the clinic hastily. Arriving at the conference hall, he saw a man sitting on his chair like he owned it. “Prince Edward, so nice of you to join us again,” he smiled and tried not to be affected when the man didn’t even as much gift him a glance. His gaze went to his daughter standing beside the cold man and he was more than happy to see her alive and well. “How are you Aliyah?”
“Do you have the right to ask that?” Edward finally spoke up and his icy blue eyes landed on Alan. “I sent my mate to you and you couldn’t even look after her. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t you burn you to the ground now, dear alpha?”
“No, Edward, we talked about this, no burning, please,” Aliyah hastily said and walked down the stairs to her father. “I’m fine dad, what about Asher, is he okay?”
“You mother didn’t let him out of his sight for a second,” Alan replied.
“At least your mate is the smart one here,” Edward taunted.
“Edward,” Aliyah called, “he is my father, show some respect.”
“I’m older, he should respect me instead.”
“It doesn’t matter, he is your father-in-law so you should respect him.”
“I respect no one. Everyone bows to me and respect me and he is no exception. Perhaps you should have understood that before agreeing to be my mate.”
“I didn’t agree to be your mate, I had no choice,” she replied, her blue eyes burning with anger.
“So what now, you are going to reject me?” He asked and in a blink of an eye, he was in front of her and his blue eyes bored into hers. “It’s already too late my dear because as long as I breathe, I will kill every man that comes close to you and I won’t hesitate to chop them limb by limb and feed them to the crocodiles. I will make sure that they don’t live to see the next day after as much as saying a word to you and I am going to keep at it until you run back to me. You are mine and you would remain that forever, do you understand?”
“What has gotten over you?” Aliyah asked as she couldn’t believe her ears. “Why must everything have to be death with you. I thought we have gone way past over that?”
“I had to say it in case you are having a double thought. Don’t think I didn’t know you were with that Steven boy last night. Don’t tempt me, or else his ashes will be next of him you would see.”
“Please, let us not fight,” Scarlet said walking into the room. “Prince Edward, please calm down, Aliyah is not going anywhere.”
“Don’t beg him mother, I would like to see him try and hurt any member of my family or friends, or even anyone in this pack,” Aliyah yelled, her eyes burning with anger as she stared at Edward.
“Don’t dare me little wolf, you know what I am capable of,” Edward replied, his voice so much calmer than Aliyah’s but also colder that those that heard it felt a shiver down their spines.
“Aliyah,” Irene rushed to say seeing that she had wanted to reply. When Aliyah glanced at her, she shook her head at her and not able to contain her anger, Aliyah turned and stormed out of the room.
Everyone glanced at Edward, waiting and expecting him to lash out or even follow her but instead, the man turned around and approached Scarlet, taking his son from her and going back to sit on his seat as nonchalantly as he could. Rasmus sighed and shook his head, they seemed to be losing more and more of the real Prince Edward every single day and he wonders how long it would be before they lose him completely.
“Rasmus, what are you doing here?” Malachi asked when he saw the man walking into the house, “how is the prince, is he hurt?”
“Hurt?” Rasmus chuckled, “I feel pity for who is going to try to hurt him.”
Malachi sighed hearing that, “he is still indifferent to us?”
“He doesn’t like hearing about the Nightwalkers and last night, Aliyah was almost hurt in the pack and if it weren’t for her, it would have been a big fight right there because he was on the verge of killing the Delta’s son and his mate.”
Shaking his head, Malachi went to sit down on his favorite sofa. “When we saw him that night, we all thought our savior had come only for him to…” he blew out breath from his mouth.
“He did save you,” Rasmus added, “I mean, when was the last time you were attacked since his resurrection?”
Malachi nodded in support, “I suppose he did save us, no council has been as peaceful as they are now with his presence. So he did help us, however, we were all hoping he would have drafted out a way to help us. Son, the deranged are still attacking, yes they don’t attack full fledge on councils anymore but the citizens are afraid to feed, they are afraid to travel to the human realm. If it continues like this then we are all going to die because of thirst. We grow weaker each day that we don’t feed, I don’t need to explain that to you.”
“That is part of the reason I am here though,” Rasmus announced.
“What happened?”
“Last night, the Delta’s son who was deranged was somehow healed by My Lady.”
“I don’t understand.”
“According to the pack, he had been bitten two weeks prior and last night, his mate had released him and he had attacked Aliyah but before any damage could be done, she healed him somehow, no one knows. The news now is that maybe she is the key to healing the deranged wolves. No one has told her yet or ask her to try and heal another, the prince is still in the pack and I believe everyone is afraid to approach my lady because of him.”
“So you are thinking she can heal us too?”
Rasmus shrugged, “it won’t hurt to try. I will just need to tell her first before doing anything. It took her a long time to forgive me the last time I helped you and I am not willing to lose her trust once more.”
“Of course, do whatever you have to do, we can wait. Oh Heaven, if this is true son then we are saved.”

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