Chapter 2

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"Why there was a one hour delay in starting the conference? Is there any dispute going on between you two that led to one hour delay in starting the conference and resulting in partnership dissolution?", asked another reporter.

The reporters asked them multiple questions not letting them answer. Tae gestured the moderator & the guards and they made the reporters calm down. After some time when the reporters got a little calm, Tae spoke, "We will answer to all your questions..... so firstly, I introduced this collection by Jimin's name because its solely his collection. They all are his designs and there is only a teeny meeny contribution by me. So I just introduced the collection by his name... we have no plans to dissolve our partnership. Jimin and I are still partners and we are still working for our Company."

"Yes, Tae is right. We do not have any partnership dissolution plans. And we released this collection in the conference because of the announcement we are going to make", said Jimin.

After Jimin spoke, everyone present there started whispering. Then one of the reporters said, "It seems like a big announcement. Is it related to your personal lives? As in to be more precise, related to your love life?"

Tae chuckled and spoke, "We know that there are a lot of contemplations about our love life announcement but its not related to that. Its about------".

Tae was cut-off by Jimin in between who spoke, "Ohhh ohhh, Kim Taehyung, let me announce that." Tae looked at Jimin and smiled and said, "Okay... you go ahead."

All the cameras and reporters focused on Jimin and waited for the big announcement. Jimin brought the mic towards his mouth and spoke, "So... everyone, I am really happy and thrilled to announce that VANTE, umm..... specifically me... I have signed an exclusive one-year modeling contract with a renowned yet new model who is handsome, dashing and smart. He will be working exclusively for me for the next whole one year."

After Jimin's announcement, everyone in the room started whispering again. "What is he saying? Exclusive contract with a new model." Other person whispered, "Who is that model? He must be launching someone here as a model." "Who is that person for whom this much big conference is organised", said the other. "Is it Kim Jungkook? Is he going to be a model?", whispered the other person.

Then Jimin spoke again gaining everyone's attention, "So everyone... please let me introduce to you guys the most handsome and stunning model who just stepped into the modeling world..... surely to destroy the industry with his charisma and looks."

Then Jimin pointed at the big screen behind him. The lights went dim and a video started playing.

The video says,

"Presenting to you all...."

"the most handsome and stunning man stepping into the modeling industry....."

"none other than...."


(Then many photos of model Taehyung were displayed)

(Then many photos of model Taehyung were displayed)

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