Chapter 53

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Time skips, evening time, at Yoongi's base

Yoongi and the others were all ready to attack gang Spiral. Hobi was re-checking everything for one last time. Namjoon was briefing the other snipers and getting his gun prepared. Jin was as usual ready with his precious laptop and his team to guide the others on the mission. Yoongi was studying their base map properly and was trying to find any kind of extra exits in case they need to leave from there or Jin would not be able to guide them in case of any bad circumstances.

Hobi came and informed Yoongi, "I have checked everything. Everything is all set." Yoongi nodded still keeping his concentration on the map and said in a deep voice, "Hmm... lets tell gang Spiral with whom they are messing. They won't stand a chance in front of mafia king." "Yes boss! Waiting for your order", said Hobi while bowing. Yoongi just hummed and said, "We will be leaving shortly." "Okay boss!", said Hobi and went from there.

Just then Eunwoo entered the room and bowed to everyone. Then he went towards Hobi and informed him, "Sir, our all men are ready. I have double-checked everything." "Good... we don't want any kind of mistakes", said Hobi. "Yes sir", said Eunwoo and left from there.

Just then Namjoon came and informed Yoongi, "Boss, me and my team are leaving. We will cover their base from all exits from nearby buildings." "Hmm.. keep updating and no mistakes"  said Yoongi. "Yes boss... you won't be disappointed", said Namjoon while bowing and left.

After a few moments, Jin spoke, "Its time to go guys. Put on your earpieces." Yoongi hummed and got up from the chair and put his guns in his waistband and fixed some daggers in his boots. Then he put on his earpiece and spoke, "Lets go guys.... don't forget, I want every main member and the head of gang Spiral alive. I want everyone to know the consequences to mess with me."

Then he left the room followed by Jin and Hobi. They all went towards their cars and get in and drove off towards their destination.

After a few minutes, they all reached to the gang Spiral's base. Their base was located at a deserted area with old abandoned buildings around. Jin and his team were in a van with multiple screens and many devices parked at a little distance from the rivals base. Jin informed through the earpiece, "I am trying to hack into their cameras and their system." "How much time will it take?", asked Yoongi through the earpiece. "Give me 10 minutes", said Jin while doing his work. "Fuck! Do it fast", said Yoongi. Jin didn't said anything and continued pressing and clicking the buttons of his device.

"Namjoon, update?", asked Yoongi through his earpiece. "Boss... we have covered the entire building. Everything is under our watch", informed Namjoon. Yoongi hummed. "Hoseok, we can't wait more. Lets enter", said Yoongi.

"Okay boss", said Hoseok. Then he ordered all of his men and guards, "Guys... on count of three... as planned... do it and enter in." "Yes sir", reply recieved from the guards. "Eunwoo, take the lead", said Hoseok through the earpiece. "I am already set sir", said Eunwoo.

"Okay... so... 1 ..... 2..... and 3", counted Hoseok and the moment he said three, Eunwoo accelerated his bike and moved towards the main gate of the rivals base. He was carrying a backpack with him. He pulled out a grenade from the bag and threw it towards the main gate blowing it off. Then he withdrew atleast ten more grenades and blow off the walls of the rivals base creating entrances for Bangtan's men.

Many guards and men entered the buidling all armed with Yoongi, Hoseok and Eunwoo following them. Just then Jin informed, "I hacked into their system." Yoongi smirked and said, "Its time for some action guys." Many rival men started coming towards them to finish them but Bangtan's men were fast enough to take them down. Full blown war started between two mafia gang's. Blood was sheeding like water and spiral gang members were dying in an instant. Hobi was fighting with the rival people and Namjoon was killing them from afar. Eunwoo was also fighting against the rivals and Jin was guiding them all.

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