Chapter 11

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In Yoongi's home office room

Eunwoo and Jungkook both entered in Yoongi's home office room. Yoongi was sitting on his desk doing something on his laptop. He looked up and glanced at Eunwoo and Jungkook.

Jungkook went and put the black box on the desk in front of Yoongi. Then he stood beside Eunwoo with his hands at the back.

Eunwoo spoke, "Sir, this is the black box we required to get. File is in this box." Yoongi just hummed and picked up the black box and examined it. Then he spoke, "Its locked. We need to get it open with Jin hyung's help. Jungkook, go straight to the base after this reporting and give this to Jin hyung."

"Okay sir", said Jungkook. Eunwoo glanced at him and sighed. Just then Yoongi spoke, "So... report all the events happened there." Eunwoo start speaking, "We reached the location at 7 pm and then as planned we entered the building. Jungkook and two guards entered from the----- (he told him how they reached to the fifth floor)----- , then as soon as I opened the door, red gang's people started firing at us......"

Yoongi snapped his head at Eunwoo when he mentioned firing. He interrupted him and spoke strenly, "Jungkook... you continue it ahead." Jungkook gulped and took a deep breathe and spoke, "When the rivals started shooting at us, me and Eunwoo faced them and fired back. Then we, along with the guards, fought with the rivals. In all of this, I k-killed.... killed few people."

Jungkook glanced at Yoongi and tried to read his expressions but he was just listening with a emotionless face. Jungkook continued speaking, "Then somehow I reached towards the locker and got the black box. Then suddenly Chen Leo came there with his guards. He pointed his gun at me and I pointed my gun at him. We were about to shoot but then Eunwoo used a smoke bomb and we escaped from there with the black box."

Jungkook completed but skipping about himself getting stabbed and then stood silently looking down. His hands still at his back. Eunwoo was about to say something but just then they heard Yoongi saying in a deep scary voice, "Are you aware what you have done?" Jungkook gulped and said in a low voice still looking down, "I.. I know hyung.... s-sir... I messed up. I am ready to face the consequences."

Yoongi didn't said anything and got up from his chair and went towards Jungkook and slapped him hard on his left cheek. Jungkook stumbled to his right and the cut in his right thigh started paining like hell. He shut his eyes tightly and scrunched his face to bear the pain. Eunwoo spoke, "Sir there was ------", but got cut-off by Yoongi's yell.

"What was the purpose of this mission huh?", asked Yoongi in a loud voice glaring at Jungkook in extreme anger. "T-to get the consignment details silently", answered Jungkook in a low voice. "THEN WHAT THE HELL YOU DID THERE? CHEN LEO CAME THERE. HE IS THE RIGHT HAND OF THE GANG RED. YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS?", yelled Yoongi.

Jungkook just stood there silently with his head hung low. Eunwoo was feeling very bad for Jungkook. He spoke, "Sir there was no mistake of------". He was cut-off by Yoongi in between who yelled loudly, "SHUT UP! DON'T COVER FOR HIM. If I heard a one more word from your mouth now.... I swear it will not be good for Jungkook."

After listening to Yoongi, Eunwoo just looked down and fisted his hands tightly as he was not able to do anything for Jungkook now. Yoongi again shouted, now glaring at Jungkook, "You were not supposed to kill anyone and get the file quietly but now the right hand of gang red knows about this. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS A FAIL."

Jungkook gulped hardly still looking down but didn't said anything. Yoongi started scolding Jungkook in a loud voice, "You were asking me for a honest chance to prove yourself right? I gave you that chance and this is what you have done! First assignment and a big fail. You are not at all good for mafia's. How many times do I have to make you understand that you have to work according to me.... not on your own!! You are not a assassain working alone now that you will do anything and it will affect only you. It will affect the whole gang... you idiot. Can't you get this small thing in your head, huh?"

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