8. I Can't Feel My Leg

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Mateo gritted his teeth as Adam took another puff of his cigarette, watching his best friend and Capo with a smug look plastered on his face. If he could reach over, he would have wasted no second in wiping that look off his face but sadly Mateo couldn't move his leg and was too tired from the medication.

"I am sorry sir but could you not do that?" The nurse, Susan, asked him timidly.

"I will do as I please." He replied, his voice cold.

She nodded quickly and looked down.

Mateo raised an eyebrow at him. He winked taking another puff.

This was bloody torture!

"When is Dr. Johnson coming again?" He asked the nurse, who looked up, her eyes darting uncertainly between him and Adam before settling back on him.

"Probably tomorrow evening." She said in a low voice.

"Why?" Adam sat up, glaring at the woman. "Shouldn't he be checking in on his patients regularly?"

"She." Mateo corrected him. "Dr. Johnson's a woman."

"No wonder!" He scoffed.

"Dr. Johnson is a very busy surgeon." Mateo turned to the nurse, a slight smirk tugging at his lips at her sudden raise in voice. "The residents and interns will do the routine check-ups and rounds."

"Did I ask you?" Adam glared at her and she quickly looked down again, gulping visibly.

"That's enough Adam." Mateo gave his best friend a look.

"I am bored." He shrugged, taking another puff.

Mateo shook his head. Of all the men she could have asked to take care of him, his mom had to go and choose the most exasperating human to ever walk the earth.

Adam Smith was his best friend since he was in his teens and he trusted no one as much as he did him, but this moron was not the best to be around when you were bedridden.

"Go home." Mateo smirked, knowing very well what his response was going to be.

"And get ripped to pieces by the Boss wife? No thanks." He narrowed his eyes at Mateo while he laughed. Pussy.

"But honestly you moron, are you alright?" He asked, crushing the cigarette and tossing it in the bin to the side. "It isn't one of the usual flesh wound we attain during a shootout. This one really caused some serious damage."

"It may look serious idiot but I was shot in the leg. I don't think I would have died from that." Mateo rolled his eyes. Adam really was a softie inside.

"Could he have died?" Adam turned to the nurse, sounding polite now.

She looked up and cleared her throat before she spoke. "If they had rushed and skipped the blood test, they would have administered the anesthetic and he definitely would have died."

Adam took a sharp intake of breath which made the nurse pause, her eyes showing fear.

"Continue." He said coldly.

"But he was luckily assessed by Dr. Erwin first. He is very calm and doesn't take any rash decision. So Dr. Johnson was shown the blood tests and she took measures accordingly." She finished.

Mateo turned to Adam. "Send another envelope to Dr. Erwin."

He nodded and quickly sent the accountant the message.

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